Chapter 12: Sophii

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"Sophii, good... you are very talented in the art of lightsaber combat. Leana... you must make up for your downfalls. You aren't wonderful with a lightsaber, but you are proficient in your Force abilities. You must learn to use them more in your combat techniques. The force is not only meant to bind together all living things. It is also meant to be used as a tool by the Jedi in order to keep the peace in the galaxy."
Sophii and Leana panted as they looked at each other, closing the blades to their lightsabers and putting them away as they finished their training for the day.
Master Trinell smiled as she looked at them.
"But nonetheless, I congratulate you both. You've both taken your first steps into a larger world. Be proud of yourselves." Trinell said.
"Master Trinell!" Mertaal ran over, a holo communicator in his hand with a robed Jedi image on it.
"Yes, what's happening?" Trinell said, looking at the holo comm.
"Master Trinell, there's been news! An imperial fleet is Masson in the deep core region. We believe they're planning an attack, but we're not for sure where." The Jedi said.
"And what do you want me to do? We're currently on Ilum." Trinell replied.
"While it may seem inconvenient, the council asks that you and your padawans head to Cato Neimoida to watch for the fleet. We have Jedi stationed in surrounding planets, but none are there, and we're spread too thin to send any more to Cato Neimoida after the Sith's assault."
Trinell sighed before nodding, looking back to her Padawans, who were both trying to use telekinesis on their lightsaber hilts. Leana was doing so with relative ease, while Sophii was struggling with her concentration.
"Alright... we'll leave right away. I'll report anything I see after we arrive." Trinell said. Ever since the Coalition was founded, they understood that the way to true peace was to eliminate the Empire's oppression, but because they refused to go on the offensive, they limited themselves to assisting the Alliance only when the Empire went on the offensive. However, if the Empire was amassing a fleet, it seemed the Jedi's assistance was needed.
"Sophii, Leana." Trinell called, the image of the master dissipating as Mertaal put the holo comm away.
"We're leaving for Cato Neimoida. The Jedi... need us. We lack the Jedi needed, so we must assist the coalition."
"What's going on?" Leana asked, Sophii overhearing their conversation but remaining silent. One of the perks of her low concentration, she can still hear the conversations around her.
"We believe... the Empire may be plotting an attack. We are simply standing guard at Cato Neimoida to make sure they don't do anything." Trinell said. Sophii nodded, noticing how surprised Leana looked, but it couldn't be helped.
"It's time to go." Trinell said.
And so, the four set off again, away from the planet of Ilum... and towards Cato Neimoida. Sophii examined her lightsaber the whole way. However, it didn't seem like it would be malfunctioning any time soon. It was a relief for her, she thought. What had that vision meant? The red saber, the explosion... what was the point of it all, she wondered?
She didn't know... but she was hoping she didn't find out.

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