Shopping spree!

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I set my alarm clock to 10:00am because I had to be at Liam's early. I pull myself out of bed and decided to take a shower. I get in the shower and start thinking about what happened yesterday. It was really fun but I'm still confused about Niall and Harry. I was going to find out what is going on with them soon, maybe today or maybe tomorrow. After about a half hour or... what felt like a half hour of One Direction music blaring through my iPhone I get out and dry myself completely. I had totally lost track of time and it was already 11:30am. Wow, was I really in the shower for more than an hour? I had to be at Liam's around noon, so I had to hurry and get dressed. I shuffle through my closet and take out some denim short shorts and a purple flowy tank, that i tucked into my shorts. I slipped on my gladiators and grabbed my purse. I get in my car and stop at starbucks for a frappechino and a donut and just ate that on the way. I texted Liam before I left that I was on my way so he was aware. When I finally get there I noticed two cars in the driveway, I was assuming one of them was Danielle's. I get out of the car and walk up to the front door ringing the doorbell. Danielle answered so I immediately introduced myself while she let me in.

"Liam, Emily's here!" she yelled up the stairs. Wow, I've never actually met Danielle but she is really pretty. I heard Liam walking down the stairs.

"Hey Emily! So glad you came." he greeted with a smile.

"Hey Liam, why wouldn't I come?" I said laughing a bit.

"I don't know, but have you and Danielle...-"

"Yup! I love her already!" Danielle cut in with a giggle looking over at me.

"Good, so here's my credit card you guys go ahead and buy whatever you want." he said reaching in his pocket for his credit card.

"Oh no Liam, it's fi-"

"Just take it! Have fun!" He said smiling at me.

Danielle took the credit card and put it in her purse.

"Thanks babe, I love you!" said Danielle kissing Liam on the lips. Liam kissed back and I just sat there awkwardly hoping this would end quickly.

"Love you too," he finally managed to say waving goodbye to us as we both walked out the door. We got in my car and headed over to Forever 21 first because they had the cutest clothes and Danielle had agreed with me. We walked in and heard they where blasting What Makes You Beautiful throughout the hole store so me and Danielle starting dancing. When it was finally over we starting laughing and then we realized everyone was staring at us. We just ignored them and started looking for some clothes to buy. We tried on a bunch of stuff and bought a lot of stuff to. We ended up leaving Forever 21 with about 5 bags each and probably 5 shoe boxes each. We put it all in the back seat of my car and hopped in the front and we then decided where to go next. We decided on going to American Eagle next and then we went to Aeropostal. After we where done shopping we went back to my place because Liam was still probably at his place planning Danielle's birthday party and all that. I was so happy for them. I cant believe he is going to propose. After all, they have been together for quite awhile now. Good thing me and Danielle had gotten along well. We decided to watch a movie so I got some sweats and a tshirt on and sat down while Danielle picked out a movie on Netflix. She decided on 13 Ghosts since she was in the mood for a scary movie. I guess I was too. While the movie was starting my phone vibrated in utter silence. It was Harry.

Hey babe, thought I'd stop by? x

I read those words and a smile spread across my face. Too bad Danielle had noticed.

"Who texted you, Emily? Come on tell me!" she said jumping up with excitement.

"Ok Danielle, promise not to tell ANYONE not even Liam?" I pleased.

"I promise! Now tell me!" she practically yelled in my face.

"Ok Harry texted me, and the thing is I have the biggest crush on him." I informed her.

"Awh!" she said with a smile.

"Oh shutup," I said playfully.

"Well text him back!" she yelled pointing to my phone that lay on the couch.

I'm with Danielle right now so in about 2 hours? x

I texted back.

"Want some popcorn Danielle?" I asked walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah sure." she said watching the t.v. I grabbed a popcorn package and stuck it in the microwave and pressed the popcorn button. I went back to the couch to watch the movie while the popcorn popped.

Sure babe, I'll be there in 2 hours. :) x

He texted back and I then started smiling again at my iPhone.

Ok. ;)x

I texted back and then returned my gaze at the t.v.


After about an hour and a half later the movie ended and I texted Liam to ask if it was fine to drive Danielle home. He said yes so I drove her home and then drove back to my moms house. I wanted to change so I didn't look gross when Harry came. I brushed my hair out and then straightened it, after that I just put eyeliner on my water line and some mascara on my eyelashes. When I was finished with my hair and makeup I put some new clothes on. I wore some dark blue skinny jeans and a white tank top. I put my fluffy pink slippers on and walked out to the living to wait for Harry.

I heard a knock at the door and then got up to answer it. It was Harry.

"Hey Harry." I said smiling.

"Hey babe," he said back winking.

I giggled and let him in closing the door behind him. I was going to ask him why he was acting so weird yesterday so I sat him on the couch with me.

"Harry I need to talk to you," I said looking into his beautiful green eyes.

"What's up?" he asked grasping my hands. Geez his hands were really soft.

"I was wondering why you and Niall where acting so weird yesterday?" I asked trying not to make eye contact. I gotta say it was a little awkward.

"Uhm, well I don't know what's up with Niall but the reason why I was acting so weird is because I like you." he said with a smile. Oh my gosh. Harry Styles likes me...wait in what way?

"Oh ok, like as a friend right?" I asked getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

"No no, like I really like you Emily." he said following me into the kitchen. I smiled and was probably blushing. Did he really mean it? I turned around to him immediately grabbing my hands and pulling me in towards a kiss. Our lips collided and I could feel his lips turn into a smile. He picked me up and spun me, while passionately kissing me. I didn't want to let go. This was what I wanted since I came here; a kiss from my true love. Harry Styles.


I finally kissed her. What I have been wanting to do ever since I layed eyes on her. She was beautiful and I wanted her to be my girlfriend. I knew just the way to ask her. I was going to ask her out to dinner, but not just any dinner. I wanted to make it special. I really hope she says yes, when I ask her out. But right now we where about to watch a movie. I could tell she felt awkward so I didn't want to make her feel anymore awkward.


I'm so glad Harry kissed me. It was so special and I could just feel the sparks when his lips touched mine. I asked him if he wanted to watch a movie so I didn't feel so awkward. We decided on watching The Notebook. I know it's a chick flick but Harry offered, which kind of surprised me. I made some popcorn to snack on and then me and Harry took a seat on the couch. He pulled me close and rapped a blanket around the both of us. I know we aren't dating yet but I didn't want anything to ruin this wonderful moment. As the movie started I rested my head on his shoulder while he fed me popcorn. He was playing with my fingers the hole time until the movie ended. We ended up falling asleep on the couch. It was a good thing my mom wasn't home tonight and Josh was probably at Niall's. It was the most perfect night ever.


Ok so guys please give me some feedback and please vote for my story. I would mean a lot. I know these chapters are short but they will get longer! please keep reading! :)

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