Names For Each Other | Preferences

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Nash: You call him either bae or Nashty, and he likes to call you bae.

Cam: You both use babe and baby. It's pretty simple but you think it's cute.

Carter: He calls you Booty. You usually use Cartahh if you want to annoy him.

Matt: You call him Matty or dinosaur if you need his attention fast. He calls you sweetie.

Taylor: You both like calling each other something like sexy, hot stuff etc..

Shawn: He calls you sweetie, cutie pie or princess and you call him baby.

Jack G: You both use babe or babes, and sometimes your whole name.

Jack J: You two like to call each other by your last names.

Hayes: He uses mostly cutie and you say anything similar to Hayes.

Sammy: You tend to call him Sammy boy, and he calls you hottie. In public you use your first names.

Nate: He calls you princess or babe, and you use different variations of his name.

Kenny: You call each other basically anything depending on your mood, it goes from sweetie to hot stuff.


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