thirtyfive ;

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Nadya_Holland write this

After having a chat with Josiah,I decided to give Niall a call.He's the best place to head to when I'm feeling down.I dialled his number and wait for him to pick up.Ughh come on.Where is he?

He finally pick up after a while."Hey Niall,what takes you so long??" I said and rolled my eyes.He chuckled."Sorry lil sis,got something to do just now" he said.I tell everything about what happened.The college,facetime with mom, and the moment when Shawn tell me to follow what I want.He listen to me carefully.I know he can help me calm myself down.

"Umm..Zoe congrats for the college but I know you want to continue this job.Just follow what Shawn said to you just now.Make the best decision.Believe in yourself" Niall said and smiled at me.

"Then..I'll continue this job.Thanks Niall" I said.I know everything will be easy when I talk to him.I hung up after telling him goodbye.I hear something fall on the ground as I hung up the call.I look back and see no one.

I walk to the kitchen and made something for me and Shawn.I see some instant cake powder on the kitchen cabinet.

"May I come in?" I said as I knock on the door.Shawn stop playing his guitar and turn back to look at me.He looks startled.He then smiled awkwardly and nodded.I walk in and close back the door.I take a sit beside him.

"Here" I said and I extend my right hand to give him the mug."What is this? Cake?" He put down the guitar and accept the mug.He look into it in some kind of excitement.I nodded and he look happy."Zoe,I'm sorry I accidentally eavesdropping your call with Niall just now" he said and chuckled."No wonder I hear something fall" I said and rolled my eyes.He burst into laugh.

"Thanks for the advice just now..but I choose to stay" I said and he stop eating in a sudden.He look at me."You sure about that?" He asked.His face looks guilty.

"Yes" I said and he let out a heavy sigh."But Zoe yo-"."No Shawn.It's my decision to stay.I know what best for me" I butted in before he even finished his words.He remain silent."Then,if you say so...thank you for staying" he replied after a while.I chuckled.

"You should be grateful I decided to stay Mendes!" I jokingly said to him and he got shook."I am,Horan!" He said and burst into laugh.Thanks to my family for being understanding with me.I choose to stay here.I love working with him.I want to stay with you Mendes.

Shawn finish eating and continue his work again.I take out my camera and take some photo of him.It's look good.I can't wait to edit this.

Shawn show me a part of the lyric he write just now."I know a girl, she's like a curse" I read a line from the part.I remember I heard he sing it before."What does this line mean?" I asked and he look straight into my eyes.

He slowly showed a smile."You'll know it later" he said and fixing my hair that is covering a little bit of my sight.I blushed.Ughh.That damn smile.He chuckled.

He then lean back on the chair."Ughh I don't know how to continue it anymore" he said and messed up his hair."Just go and take a rest.Continue it later" I said.He then get closer to me and rest his head on my shoulder.

Josiah come in in a minute."Shaw- oh my I'm sorry!" He said after he noticed that I'm here.Ughh.

Photographer ↠ shawnmendesWhere stories live. Discover now