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Cameron's POV

I woke up to go see if tori was awake too.

I knocked on her hotel room door and nat opened it.

"What's up" she said an yawned.

"Hey nat where's tori at??" I ask her.

"I just got a text from her saying she went down to the beach for some fresh air or something" she tells me. I nod and thank her. I walk down to the elevator. I press the button to go down. I hear the song and as soon as the door opens my heart drops.

"C-cam" she whispered softly to me.

"Tori?" my voice cracked.

She walked up to me.

"Cameron look I'm sorry please..." she begged.

I started to tear up.

I grab Tori's arm an pull her beside me.

"What the fuck jack? You knew me and tori were together. you knew I like her. you know I love her!!" I yell at him with rage.

"Well yeah I knew but I think you don't deserve her!!" he yells back at me.

It made me angrier.

I then squeezed my fist right and clenched my jaw.

"Cam! you're hurting me!" I then snap out of my rage and realize I was squeezing Tori's arm.

I let go.

"Tori are you okay?" jack says to her,

"Uh yeah" she says weakly.

"C'mon let's go tori" jack then walks with her down the hall to his room.

I rub my fave and groan in frustration.

I then punch the wall. the elevator door opens.

I groan in anger. the hell is wrong with you cameron??

You hurt her. after she's been with that asshole Kevin. she did kiss jack. but she wasn't yours anyways. but I still shouldn't have hurt her. I groan and head to my room to figure things out.

Tori's POV

"I'm sorry tori this is all my fault. if I hadn't kissed you none of this would happen." jack says to me as I lay on the bed with him sitting on the foot of the bed.

"Jack don't be. it's not your fault" I say to reassure him.

I was just hoping tommorows magcon won't be so awkward and dreadful.

After a couple minute I close my eyes and doze off.





Next morning*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I open my eyes and see jack sleeping in the other bed. I get up and go slap his butt.

"Wake up sleepy head." I laugh and he wakes up and groans.

"5 more minutes please" he says and raises his hand.

I laugh.

"It's already 9 and we have to be down there around 10 to 10:30 jack" I explain to him.

"Pleassseeeeee" he whines.

"Fine, I'm gonna go shower" as I was about to start walking jack grabs my arm and pulls me in bed with him. I lay there as he starts to cuddle with me.

I hate that I love you ( a jack gilinsky fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang