They Take Care of You

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"There we go

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"There we go. All done. Now let Daddy get dressed so we can go out." He said as he kissed your cheeks.  "All ready to go bye-bye, my lil princess/ prince?" Your daddy cooed as he put you in your car seat. 

Your daddy took you to a fancy jewelry store that held a lot of priceless jewelry

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Your daddy took you to a fancy jewelry store that held a lot of priceless jewelry. "What shall we get mommy, lil clown? How about another necklace? No, she has like 500 of them. How about another choker? No they don't sell those. What do you think baby girl/boy?" He cooed. You saw a beautiful custom made diamond in the colors of your mommy's jester outfit. "Ga! Ga!" "Hmm? What is it baby? Do ya see somethin'?" He asked. "Ga!" You said as your daddy looked to where you were looking. "A ring? You think that we should get mommy a ring?" He said as you babbled to him. "Alright. Let's see the ring." "How can I help you today, sir?" "I was looking for a ring for my girlfriend." "Well then. She might like this. It's a one of a kind diamond ring with red and black inside the diamond." "How much?" "$10,000.00.  "Sold." "Would you like any engraving on it, sir?" "Yes. To my Queen." "Prefect sir. I shall have ready in about an hour." Your nodded his head and took you around the store. After the hour was up your daddy got the ring and took you back home. He looked at you in his mirror and saw you fast asleep. "(Chuckles) I guess shopping wore out my lil clown." He said. Once both of you were home, your daddy placed you in the pack and play for a few minutes before he would pick you up and let you sleep on him. You grabbed one of his fingers and sucked on it. At first he wanted to yank it out but he changed his mind as he heard you cooing. "Goodnight my sweet princess/prince of Gotham." He said  swaddling you up in your blanket. You began to cry but your daddy gently rocked you. "Shh... my lil clown. Daddy's right here. Shh... Daddy's here, y/n." He cooed softly. 

After a while your mommy returned home to see you fast sleep in your daddy's arms. She smiled and grabbed a blanket to cover both of you. Your daddy sensed someone so he grabbed his gun and held you tight close to his chest. "Easy Puddin'. It's me." "Geez Harley. Don't ever do that. It took me two hours to get our lil clown back to sleep." He said as he readjusted you in his arm. "Sorry Daddy." "I'll forgive ya this time because our little y/n didn't wake up." He said sternly. "So what did my two favorite people do while I was out?" "We did some shopping and got you this." He said as he pulled out the ring. "OMG! Puddin'. I love it!" She yelled quietly so she wouldn't wake you up, because if she did, she was in big trouble. Your mommy went by your daddy and gave a big kiss. "Harley! Not in front of baby clown!" "But y/n's sleepin'. A little kiss won't wake her/him up." She said kissing you, making you stir. "Harley, I swear to God, if lil clown wakes up I'm gonna-" You woke up but smiled at your parents. "Look at you. Wakin' up with a smile." Your mommy cooed. "Well my queen. We have to go to the club, so go freshen up with lil clown and wear somethin' sexy for Daddy." Your daddy said with wink. 

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