Eternity (Blood On The Dance Floor/Ghosts era) pt. 1

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January 12, 1903
Normal Valley
Your little brother and sister had been trying to get you to go to the spooky mansion owned by that strange magician.
"Come on (y/n)! It'll be fun! He's so fun! You'll like him!" Your brother said.
"Like who?" You father question.
"Maestro!" Your sister said.
"That freak who lives in the mansion! You will not go there (y/n)! Neither will you (b/n) and (s/n). I'll put a lock on your bedroom doors if I have to." Your father says sternly.
You sigh.
You only knew from what your parents and the mayor said about the man.... so could you really judge him without seeing for yourself.
You go back in your room and sit down on your bed to begin reading.
"(Y/n), let's go. Maestro really wants to meet you! We told him how nice you were." Your sister said.
"We can't just leave." You say.
"We do it all the time. Follow us." Your brother said.
You grabbed your bag before following your siblings out of your room.
You saw them hopping lightly over spots in the floor to avoid the creaking sound.
If you didn't land it just right, that'll be the end of sneaking out.
They went to the back door and gently eased it open and went outside.
Once you made it outside, you shut it quietly while leaving it unlocked.
You saw your siblings head for a dark trail in the woods.
"Are you sure this is safe? Someone could snatch us!" You said worried.
"We've done this 1000 times. Relax." Your brother said.
You grabbed both of their hands to comfort them.
....Actually, you were comforting yourself.
After 5 minutes of walking through the woods, you began to see fog.
You knew what that meant.
Someplace Else.

You knew that this means that you had arrived at his mansion

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You knew that this means that you had arrived at his mansion.

You knew that this means that you had arrived at his mansion

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It looked like a cemetery.
"You know guys.... this has been great and all, but I think I'll just go." You say as you begin to turn around.
Your siblings gripped your arms before walking towards the gate and watching it open itself.
"Gates don't open themselves. That's not a good sign." You said.
They simply ignore you before taking you inside the house.
It was creepy to say the least.
There was dust, spider webs, and white sheets everywhere.
The further you walked into the mansion, torches would light on their own.
'I'm going to die.' You thought as you approached a ball room.
"Maestro? We've brought her to meet you." (S/n) said.
You hear a giggle echo through the mansion.
Suddenly, you see lighting flash outside through the windows.
Then an organ begins to play itself.
"I-uh maybe he's busy. I should GO!" You said as you begin to run for the door at this point.
The doors slammed shut on their own.
You tried to open them, but they were locked.
"What kind of voodoo is this?!" You ask.
" I just want to play a game." You hear a soft voice say.
You turned around and saw no one.
Not even your siblings.
"What the hell?" You asked no one as you begin to search the room for an alternative exit.
You then feel a hot breath tickling the back of your neck.
You quickly turned around to find no one.
"I'm not the coward." The same voice says.
You then hear footsteps behind you.

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