The Pantheon was a fitting name for a powerful organization owned and funded by a bunch of anonymous, and seemingly untouchable, fat cats. The organization was notorious for its interference in UN matters, its questionable views, and obscure interests in social and behavioral research. It wasn't that much of a surprise when they chose Dr. Julian Gray to take lead on this project.

Considering, Dr. Gray's outlandish beliefs and publicly voiced fondness for experimentation on the human psyche, it's not hard to understand how this man—in collaboration with The Pantheon—brought the world to a complete standstill. 

What started out as a hushed project, to create bio-enhanced soldiers, turned out to become something much more sinister. The world went to shit, and it all originated from the pits of hell itself. The project was literally run from an old world war two bunker—underground. 

The following retelling is from the mad doctor's account. Paraphrasing it now sends chills down my spine but I will try to detail it as he had.

Upon arrival, the team was greeted by the bunker's foul breath—a gust of air imprisoned for years that was unleashed as the heavy metal door swung open. The morbid presence of death still lingered in the forlorn hallways, but still, they ventured down the bunkers dark throat, swallowing the last of their humanity. The low hum of electricity accompanied the echoes of dripping water as the lights flickered on and off before settling for a dull glow. The light didn't seem to help the mood as it cast ominous shadows that reached out towards them. Water stains and mold adorned the concrete walls. The air was stuffy, barely breathable, and the smell complimented the integrity of the operation. 

Several DID patients were obtained for the project. A severely skewed loan from equally questionable asylums. These individuals were deemed too unstable to function within acceptable norms, so society locked them away. Now, society thought to recycle them in the most bizarre way—repurposing a human. Could they be fixed, and then enhanced? Those were the thoughts of the white coats, well, their justification anyway.

Thirteen patients in total. The number alone should have been seen as a warning. Alas, the thirteen patients were divided and caged between four holding cells. These cells were all outfitted with thick glass—viewing windows. Makes you wonder what the original inhabitants were showcasing inside. Regardless, they were perfect for observation. 

What happened was unforeseen, unfathomable. They broke the already unstable DID patients, and the results were less than human—the manifestation of a new presence. An additional personality, driven by primal needs, took up residence in their already crowded minds.

The signs, at first, were barely visible. Subtle changes in behavior but nothing statistically significant in the data. Still, Dr. Gray and his team of winged monkeys continued, determined to break into the minds of these DID patients and dead set on catching the biochemistry shift in the act. They provoked each distinct personality within a single patient, forcing them to shift multiple times per day. 

They toyed with the clasp holding their realities intact, wearing it out until it finally broke. What they let out were beyond comprehension. 

What happens when the malicious intent of mankind and the delusions of a mad doctor finally break down the walls containing a person's humanity, stripping the mind down to its core?

There are three levels that govern our mental state; the super-ego, the ego and at the epicenter, there is the id. In a nutshell; the super-ego controls our social behavior, ensuring we adhere to cultural norms and morals, our ego ensures that we obtain our basic needs and urges in a manner deemed acceptable, while the id had been described as the 'pleasure principle'. The inner core of our deepest wants, needs, and desires—no matter the cause. The id holds no regards for moral, cultural or social standards. It only aims to satisfy itself.

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