The Movie Night Of Epic Porportions: Sarah POV

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A/N: Okay, I am so so so very sorry about this being so late. I suck at being productive. So I'm just going to put up what I have. So I have now decided to split my chapter into two with the permission of my lovely partner Carloaf (pleas pleas pleas Carloaf you're wonderful). Anywhoo, I apologies for the fluff. Enjoy :)


The Set/Leroy incident had kind of put us on edge so we switched hotels again. We were staying at a really fancy one, all of us in one room. It was better to be together in case of emergency. And believe me, half-bloods, and I suppose magicians, are emergency prone. Corin, Robin, Bleu and Eva were down the street at a store getting supplies. By that I mean food, they were getting food. I decided to hop in the shower to wash all the sand, guts, and other bodily fluids off me. Yeah, the cleaning crew was going to have fun with this room.

Jace was sprawled on the couch watching the T.V. His clothes were ripped and dirty, and his hair was in worse shape, but he still looked like a model. For some unknown reason, that ticked me off. "For a monster hunter, you sure sit on your ass a lot," I told him irritably, searching for my bag so I could clean up. "And you're probably getting the couch dirty." He shrugged at that and changed the channel from Big Brother to Top Gun.

"It's called being undercover babe," he grinned as he reminded me that we were checked in as a couple. I groaned inwardly as I remembered the horrible conversation with the manager. He simply would not allow six teenagers to a room, much less a suite. Finally, Robin had used some spell that made him all wonky in the head, and made him forget about the existence of the other four. 'Suite for the lovely couple?' he had asked Jace and I with a grin. I was going to say something along the lines of 'HELL NO' but Jace stepped on my foot and I got the point and shut up. I was jolted back to the present and continued the hide-and-seek game I was playing with my stuff.

"Ugh," I groaned peering under the beds. "I don't know how I let you talk me into that."

"Simple," he said flipping through the channels lazily, "I'm incredibly and undeniably sexy." He smirked to himself, like I couldn't see him.

"Yeah, don't forget humble." I said sarcastically. Maybe Eva the OCD had tried to organize our junk and put my bag in the closet. I turned my back on him and yanked open the doors. But it was a no.

"I would never forget that!" Jace gave his trademark smile. "Being humble is my best quality! And believe me, there are a number of them."

I rolled my eyes at him and poked my head under the beds again. "Brain power, apparently, is not a quality."

He sat up on his elbows to get a better look at me. "Jealous?" he grinned.

"Of your looks?" I tapped my chin skeptically. "No. I don't think so."

"That's right, you're only attracted to ugly, mediocre actors," he said politely and returned to his chosen program.

"Josh Hutcherson," I said through my teeth, "is a fabulous actor, and has the chiseled jaw of a god!"

"I have the chiseled everything of a god if you haven't noticed." He waved a hand down his side like he was on display.

"Oh, shut up!" I chucked a book of Eva's at him.

"Why don't you go take a shower or something?" He laughed, dodging it easily.

"I would if I could find my freaking bag!" Jace pointed behind me, without taking his eyes of the screen. It was, of course, right behind me. I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my book-bag off the little counter. Jace had settled on the movie 'Grease'. I raised an eyebrow at him.

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