The World Doesn't Stop for a Broken Heart

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Flowers are laid upon dry soil, a bit of grass peeking through. A hand gently grazes the large, cold headstone. New names are freshly engraved upon the marble. Crisp autumn leaves are falling and a slight chill is in the air, giving an already cold feeling to an aching heart.

No one should have to bury their parents. Not this early in life. Yet here Victoria sat, cross-legged in the grass, visiting the new gravesites where her parents would stay for eternity.

"I know it's only been a few days, but I wanted to tell y'all how my midterms went. I passed, thank goodness. My teachers said I did well know." Victoria spoke softly, trying to hold her voice together.

She cleared her throat as she tried to compose herself, a stray dog barking in the distance. "I hope I still make you proud. I'm trying my best every day. I love y'all."

Unable to sit any longer she got up and walked to her car, tears welling in her eyes. She shut the door and simply sat there in the silence. That was something she had to get used to now. No one in the car, no one home, just her and her thoughts. Shaking her head she got the courage to start her car and journey home.

Victoria thought to herself as she locked her door behind her, tossing her keys on the bar. Home. Does this feel like home anymore?

She glanced around the modest two bedroom home that she once shared with her parents. Remembering a few of the good times they had together, but all the bad just the same. How they would all sit and watch movies in the living room. Those turned to flashes of drunken yelling and screaming for not having something made for dinner. She did have love for her parents. Truly, she did, but things could have always been better.

Trying to forge happier, kinder memories, she went down the hallway to change. Before she made it to her room, there was a knock on her door.

She paused her movements, her heart beating faster. No one really came to visit. Not since they were gone.

She slowly made her way to the door and stopped once she reached it, her hand resting on the doorknob. Opening the door, she took a shaky breath in as she didn't know who to expect.

Indeed. She didn't expect to find Reba McEntire in her doorway.

"Hi. I'm looking for Victoria Chastain." Reba spoke, her accent cutting through the silence.

Right in front of Victoria's eyes was the woman whose songs, at times, she kept on repeat. She had so many questions. Why was she here? Why was she talking to her? Did something happen?

A bit of an awkward silence passed before Victoria realized she needed to give an answer. "Oh...! Yeah...yes, that's me. I'm Victoria." she replied with a small smile.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." Reba smiled, a hidden joy dancing in her eyes. "Would it be alright if I come in? I'd like to talk to you about a few things."

"Of course! Come in and make yourself at home." Victoria beamed as she stepped to the side, letting her guest enter her home. Once Reba was inside she closed the door behind her and followed her into the living room. "Did you want anything to drink?"

"No thank you. I don't wanna trouble you." she smiled before changing her expression to more of a serious one. "I've heard about your parents. They passed recently, right?"

"Two weeks ago. I was adopted by them at birth, but they're all I've ever really known. They told me my daddy died just before I was born and my mama didn't want me because he was gone." Victoria recounted solemnly. "I'm just glad I had 'em for the time I did, you know?"

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