Flower Shop AU!

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Why haven't I done this yet this seems so obvious

So I apologise, I've just got off mock GCSE exams - I had like 3 exams a day - it was tough. But I survived! Hecc yee!

[Patroclus] A small boi from a small town, and an unusual passion for flowers. He's the one who arranges all the flowers in the window and damn he's good at it. He seems to remember the meaning behind each one and it's bizzare.

[Achilles] A semi-regular customer who comes and buys a cactus or something like that. He came far more regularly after talking with Patroclus - and the other employees are beginning to suspect it's not just the flowers he's here for anymore.

[Briseis] Another staff member and friend of Patroclus. She's less here because of passion and more Patroclus very enthusiasticly offered her the job and she took it. She can read people like a book, and her gaydar is currently wildly flying at Achilles.

So Achilles' first few visits were fairly normal, with requests like "what could I get for my mother?" Or "I want to get flowers for my girlfriend, any suggestions?"

Then one day (sorry Tumblr but this is perfect) he slams the door open and just yells "HOW DO I PASSIVE AGGRESSIVELY SAY FUCK YOU IN A FLOWER?"

Pat stutters h a r d because A. Hot guy B. Yelling. C. That's not what flowers are for. D. Hot guy.

He gives his best suggestions:
- Dandelion
- Daffodil
- Meadowsweet
Achilles immediately asks if he can have a bouquet of all three. Patroclus complies, and makes sure not to ask too many questions.

So after doing the unusual request, Achilles turns up more and more often, eventually asking how to confess love in a flower. Pat's quite glad at this, very happy that Achilles seems to have found love after presumably breaking off the relationship. (Not gunna lie, Patroclus has felt a tad guilty for doing the bouquet and ending the relationship) (he knows that because he and Achilles chat when he comes in).

Patroclus suggests his favourite - partly because he's got a s m a l l crush on a Achilles, and partly because he thinks it's the most romantic: a bouquet of pink and yellow daisies which confess love in a quiet way, and also advertise the fact you only have eyes for the person in question. Achilles nods and takes the bouquet, walving bye to Patroclus before he leaves. Pat can't help notice he's a lot quieter then he normally is. It's easy to see with Achilles.

Pat's shift ended in about ten minutes by the time Achilles leaves, and when he leaves he's surprised to see Achilles waiting for him by the front door. Patroclus asks what he's doing there, and Achilles just hands him the bouquet to him.

There's a very long awkward silence while Patroclus tries to process this. But he does, and eventually asks whether this is for him.

[Achilles]: Yes.
[Patroclus]: For me?
[Achilles]: Yes.
[Patroclus]: Me????
[Achilles]: Yes!!

This back and forth goes on for a while while Pat's monologue is built of entirely screaming. Once he's got over the shock of it, he tearfully accepts - the surprise and delight of it getting to his head a little.

Achilles And Patroclus AUs because my heart hurts stillWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu