emotional moments

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I love you Aaron... Char said between kisses

I love you too but what about that henry guy...

Oh I'm just dating him outta pity so he doesn't feel alone...

Ohh then let's make this official. Let's make the world know about us.. Including that henry guy...

Fine if that's what you want...

Love you more baby

Henry played the video all over, again and again. Wiping tears streaming and burning down his face. His emotions scattered everywhere.

How could she.. I thought she loved me but she's doing this behind my back making me the foolish one.

She acts all innocent, kind , the coolest person I ever known.

I got to my house, went up my room and jumping on the bed. Time to drown my pillows with tears . just then my phone chimed indicating I got a message.

5 messages from babe , mum, jasper ,, lily and unknown

Char messages
Hey babe, I have a surprise for you... Don't miss me too much

Not anymore slut

Mum messages
Honey where are you?...don't stay out too long..

Hey mum...I'm actually in my room...goodnight..

Night hun...sleep well...

Jasper messages
Hey bud.. Are you feeling okay... You left school quite in a rush...

Oh it's nothing really just my allergies acting up...

Okay get better.. Night


Lily messages
Thanks for helping with the project... I got an A

It's no problem I guess someone is rubbing off on me..

Oh cool hold that person close...

Yea... Goodnight

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