Chapter 10

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I wake up to my mom singing loudly in the bathroom. I just roll my eyes, get out of bed, and get ready.

"Maya, honey there's a boy waitin outside for you." My mom informs me in her southern accent after she gets out of the shower.

"You didn't answer the door wearing that towel did you?" I ask in a serious, panic voice.

"Why of course not. I just looked through the peep hole and saw one of those nice looking city boys in front of our door. I guessed it was for you." She walks away.

I open the door to see Nathan looking better than ever. "You came early." I take his hand.

Nathan laughs. "It's not that early."

I laugh and give him a weird look. "Nathan it's six in the morning."

"Well maybe I just wanted to take a walk in the park before we go to school."

I stop walking. "But I need to pick up Riley and walk with her to school. Nathan we've been over this."

Nathan sighs. "I understand which is why we're up so early. I wanted to spend some time alone with you. You can pick up Riley, no worries."

I smile and we walk to the park.


After the nice walk in the park, me and Nathan head to Riley's house. I reach for the buzzer to her house.

"It's Maya." I say.

"Maya, Riley's not here she left early." I hear Topanga say.

I look at Nathan with worried eyes. "Okay thanks Mrs. Matthews"

"We need to go to my school now. She's probably already there."

"Why would she leave so early?"

"I dunno. She's Riley." I take Nathan's hand and pull him to the door.


Me and Nathan walk into the school building and I don't see Riley anywhere in the halls. I go to our lockers, she's not there.

"Maya, I have to go." Nathan lets go of my hand and kisses me on the forehead. "See you after school?"

"Yeah. Sure." I say still looking around for Riley.

Nathan takes my hand again. "It's okay. Riley's okay. Don't worry." He lets go of my hand and walks out the door.

"Maya!" Lucas runs up to me. "Did you see Riley this morning I was hoping that she was with you."

My eyes go wide. "Dude I thought she was with you! She wasn't at her house this morning."

Lucas puts his head down and then begins to panic. "We need to find her. Now!"

I put my hands on his shoulder. "Lucas it's okay. She's Riley, we'll find her."

He calms down and smiles. "Okay, okay. We can find her."

"Yes we can. Trust me, but we need to skip class. We separate and look around the school. If we don't find her anywhere around here, we go to the door and meet up. Okay."

"Okay, then what."

"We look outside for Riley's favorite places."


This chapter is short but trust me the next chapter is going to be longer and better and the Laya feels that will be in that chapter afkgfad omg

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