Chaper three

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Italics: mind speaking

Nico's POV:

I woke up groaning because of a small headache , rolling to the side getting up , going to the bathroom getting aspirin and water taking it , after that getting dressed ready to go to the pavilion getting something to eat. Jason spotted me walking and ran up to me , I am in a bad  mood so I don't want to talk to him especially now.

"Go away , I don't need another headache this morning , especially not from you ." I groaned already annoyed by his presence , see bad morning . Glaring at him waiting for him to tell me what the hell he want's from me.

"Well since Percy hasn't returned from wherever he is, I thought I would  give you company." Jason shrugged giving me the look which is basically saying you will not get rid of me no matter what. More like another annoyance , i groaned again rolling my eyes I started to ignore him partly , just in case he says something important. But nope all he did was complain about Leo.


I was training with Jason when Chiron came up getting our attention.

"Nico , my boy may I talk with you for a minute."pausing with Jason , I shrugged , waved Jason off basically telling him I will see him later ( or never ) , turning to Chiron , walking with him to the big house but still staying outside.

"So Nico , have you seen Will or Jake we need then both for a project we can't seem to find them nor Clarisse or Percy we have new kids that need sword training and Chris supposedly with Clarisse. I haven't seen for in 2 days." Flicking his tail nervously looking around making sure nobody got hurt. I was surprised that they haven't returned from their double date yet , from yesterday.

"Umm... I saw them yesterday they were at Percy's for his birthday , than they left for a double date leaving me and Percy alone at his house talking  ,
When it was time for me to go back to camp his mother came in reminding me of the time , when I was supposed to leave and since then I haven't seen them." I sum it up while shrugging.

"Thank you for telling me , see at campfire in a few minutes." Patting me on the shoulder trotting away.
Urhgg... The stupid headache is coming back , whatever I'll just miss campfire and go take a nap yep totally better than seeing other people . Walking back to my cabin ignoring everyone. (Time Skip 1-2 hours) yawning widely rubbing my eyes looking at the time , nearly midnight um  wow , nearly falling of the bed at the sudden voice in my head that scared the shit out of me.

"Hey , sorry for scaring you I have so many questions but I'll just ask the easiest , and you can ask me in return." Yep I totally have gone crazy looking around making sure it isn't a prank. "No you haven't and if you go to anyone about this they will definitely will think your crazy." Huffed the voice? I'm confused. Taking a deep breath If replied to the voice it will go away in the morning right, right?"I am a living, breathing person thank you very much that can speak in your head. So no I will not go away in the morning , as you put it"   stop reading my mind it's annoying. " Sorry can't help it , so are you gonna ask questions if not I will start . Okay what's your name and I mean full name.its like playing 21 questions. But without 21 questions because you will be stuck on the information I will give you."

"Fine I will answer your stupid question. I'm Nico Di Angelo. What is your name if you are a person." The voice paused for a second

"I will not tell you my name , but I will tell you why I am in your head and also what I am." Now I'm just even more confused what does he mean what he is , and why?

"What do you mean what you are? And why can't you tell me your name"
He chuckled somehow but still not the point.

"Wow , impatient much , and I will tell you the reason if you will stop  interrupting me. Anyway  I'm a werewolf , No don't interrupt let me finish , when we turn 18 years old we will have a mate/ soulmate it's like having a boyfriend or girlfriend  only this is  for life and you don't get to choose who they are , but it's still compatible .  If we are rejected it will physically and emotionally hurt us . Also I am not a normal werewolf I'm also a demigod. So any questions."  Urhgg ... Too much information

"Wait ... Does that mean you know me if your a demigod also do I know you , how did you get past the barrier  if your part wolf."  The voice started laughing

"Umm... Let's see yes I know you and you know me , I got past the barrier because I'm still part God I'm stronger than other demigods also other werewolves because I'm an alpha I have a pack also demi-wolves they know you to , and when you will wrap your little head around the information I  gave you can ask more questions but right now go to sleep it's already getting late well early in this situation"

" But--" he cut me off

"No , go to sleep , goodnight Nico"

Kind of a cliffhanger but otherwise a chapter finished at least  so later on in the story I will think about doing   a crossover and Percy's family will be complicated well on his mother's anyway . but I wont tell you which crossover yet I will try and make this story longer , because the events are going pretty too quickly , well it is my fault but that doesn't matter right now .
So I will ask again how is the story so far.

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