Sometimes your past just won't leave you alone

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Part 13:

Hailie woke up to Harry shaking her gently. "Hailie, baby, we gotta go, you've got work in a couple of hours" Hailie groaned, looking at her watch. 6:00. "c'mon, I'll carry you?" Hailie put up her arms, and Harry lifted her up bridal style. She put her arms around his neck, nuzzling her head on his shoulder. Harry placed her in the front seat of the car carefully, and she fell back to sleep. Once they reached Hailie's house, Harry unpacked all of his stuff, then ran the shower. "Hailie! Shower's on!" she groaned, crawling out of bed and into the bathroom. She washed herself, came out and got ready for work. "bye baby" she kissed his cheek. "I'll be here when you get home, and I'll cook us dinner, okay?" she nodded, got into her car and drove off to work. Poor girl, Harry thought, only three hours of sleep and now she was working the 9-5 shift. Unless there was an emergency at the hospital and she was needed longer. Harry hoped not. He put away the rest of his stuff, then crawled into bed. He dreamt about Hailie as he slept.

"morning darling! How are you?" Hailie hugged her colleague, Maddie, as she entered the staff room. "meh, you?" Maddie smiled. "long night?" Hailie nodded. "unexpected party, moving in with the boyfriend" Maddie hugged her again. "oh congratulations!!" she smiled. "thank you, I'm so happy he's finally moving in, two years is too long not to live in the same house" Maddie nodded. "ah, nine o'clock, time to get to work!" Maddie sighed. "I'll see you later, Mads" Hailie walked out of the staff room and headed to her office. "Hailie Anderson, Occupational Therapist and Consultant" was written on the plaque beside her door. Literally ten seconds after she sat down at her desk, her first client knocked. "come in" she said, flipping through some papers on her desk. "hi Hailie" Hailie jumped at the voice. "C-Conor!" Conor was her drunk, abusive ex boyfriend that she thought she had left home in Ireland. "w-what are you doing here?" she began shaking as Conor walked forward. For once, he was sober. "I'm here to see you" she nodded. "p-please, take a- a seat" she said, pointing to the chair in front of her desk. "thank you" he said, lowering himself into the chair. "so, what's the problem?" he breathed in slowly. "I'm not gonna beat around the bush here. I still love you Hailie, and I want you-" she put her hand up, silencing him. "Conor, don't. I'm in love. You're too late" he laughed. "in love? With that.. Pretty boy?" he laughed again. She gritted her teeth. "don't, Conor. Don't call him a 'pretty boy', that's not what he is" he leaned towards her, over her desk. His breath on her face, his body shadowing hers. She sunk lower into the chair, she was afraid now. "Conor, please sit down" he shook his head. "kinda like where I am, brings back old memories, huh?" he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. She slapped it away. "you still have your feistiness huh?" he chuckled. "I remember you tried to fight back, but you know when you fight what happens to that pretty little face of yours" he slapped her face, leaving a red mark. "maybe that'll teach you that you don't refuse me! You're mine! My property, you hear?" he slapped the other side of her face. "GET OUT! NOW!" she screamed in his face. Once again, he chuckled. He raised his fist, and punched her in the neck. She fell onto the floor, and she tried to crawl over to the door. Locked. Fuck, how had he managed to lock it while she was there? Why didn't she look?! He stood on her ankle, hard, pressing into it harder every few seconds, making her wince. This brought back too many memories. He kicked her in the side repeatedly, then kneeled down on her back, knocking the wind out of her. "I'm going back to Ireland in two days.. You better be at the airport to come with me, bitch" he pushed her behind her desk, before unlocking the door then closing it behind him. Hailie sat up onto her chair, holding her head. The next client knocked on her door. "can you give me two minutes please??" but it wasn't a client. "Hailie? You left your lunch at home, love" Harry. Oh no. The bathroom was across the hall. Harry opened the door, and Hailie ran over to her filing cabinet. Her eye was swelling up. Damn, black eyes are hard to cover up. "hello beautiful" he came over, hugging her from behind. "hey gorgeous" she said, not turning around. Harry was curious. Was she hiding something? He closed the door. "Hailie?" she closed her eyes. "yes, Harry?" he put on hand on her waist. "turn around" she sighed, and turned around. Harry's expression dropped. "who did this to you?!" he placed one hand under her chin, lifting it up. She winced, her neck was sensitive from the punch. "Hailie? Who gave you all these injuries?!" she shook her head. "no one? You did this to yourself?" she shook her head again. "well then who?" she sniffed, tears running down her face. It hurt to cry, but she couldn't help it. Harry wiped the tears away. "baby, I just wanna know who hurt you" she sighed. "it was my ex" Harry's eyes widened. "Conor? That guy that gave you the slashes on your hips??" she nodded. Harry grabbed her hand, got her handbag and brought her out of her office. "where are you going?" she asked, resisting Harry's efforts to bring her outside. "home! I'm going to find this guy, and kill him!" Hailie sat into the car. She texted Maddie to tell them she had gotten sick, and Harry was taking her home. The car ride home was silent. "Harry, say something" Harry sighed as they pulled up to a stop sign. "like what?" Hailie looked at her hands in her lap. "well, I don't know, but you're really scaring me right now, and that's not what I need" Harry softened. He took her hand in his over the gearshift as they pulled away from the sign. "I'm never going to let this happen to you again. I should've never let this happen in the first place, I should've got you to call in sick, I-" Hailie gently squeezed Harry's hand. "it's not your fault. It's no one's fault. Conor's the one who did this, he's responsible. Don't blame yourself, you couldn't have prevented this" he smiled. "okay love" they got out of the car, and went into the house to take care of Hailie's wounds.


So, what'd you all think of Conor? Personally, I hate him, but thats just me aha :) x

Harry Styles ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now