But now, and from now on, they'll be together here every night in total privacy. They have this room all to themselves. It's four simple walls that to them, mean everything. Four simple walls that mean freedom, freedom for the first time ever.

Hoseok takes a slow, careful step away from the door and towards Kihyun on the bed, pausing to pull off his shirt so that he's down to just his boxers, his legs and feet completely bare, his muscular chest, arms, and stomach all on display just for Kihyun, still slightly flushed from his own shower. And yes, Hoseok is no stranger at all to people ogling his body; he does it often enough for the fans as part of his job, but it's always different when it's with Kihyun, when it's for Kihyun. It's the only time when Hoseok truly soaks it in, truly bathes and thrives in the attention.

Kihyun looks him up and down, a soft, barely-there blush splashing across his face, and Hoseok feels a rush of confidence, because he knows he looks good, and proud Kihyun will always hide his feelings until Hoseok urges them out of him, pulls them out of him like thick, sweet taffy, and despite the show he puts on, despite the game that he plays, Hoseok knows that Kihyun can't ever resist him, either.

Hoseok makes his way to the bed and crawls on top of Kihyun so that they're eye-level, Hoseok straddling Kihyun's petite frame and hovering over him slightly bent forward, their faces so, so close. And it's such a strange feeling, to have all this time, to not have the rush or the desperation, the intensity of an always ticking clock and an iron restraint. Hoseok thinks he could stay like this for hours, not closing the distance between them and just staring into Kihyun's beautiful eyes. And even then, they'd still have time for more. After so long of every moment together being precious, priceless, suddenly, they're rich, they're overflowing with wealth, they've got so much time and privacy that they're not even sure what to do with it.

And so, they just look at each other, and Kihyun seems to be thinking along the same lines as Hoseok, pondering their new situation and imagining the possibilities. His hands have come up to spread out over Hoseok's chest, his palms warm and soft, and his eyes have gone half-lidded. And Hoseok wants so badly to swoop down to capture his plump lips, but he also wants to keep looking at Kihyun like this, burn this image into his mind for safekeeping, for those nights when he finds himself all alone with only his fantasies for company. Though then again, he supposes there won't be many of those now, not anymore.

Kihyun lets out a tiny noise, suddenly. It's a soft kind of whimper, half a moan and half a gentle breath, and it goes right to Hoseok's heart, wraps itself around Hoseok's chest and crawls down low into his belly and shoots down his spine all at once, and Hoseok closes his eyes, leans down until their noses brush, but not any further. He can feel Kihyun's breath on his lips, can feel the warmth and moisture of them so close and yet not yet touching his own. The electricity between them is almost painful, and Hoseok instinctively parts his lips, Kihyun doing the same, and they both tilt their heads slightly as if to fit together, but still don't quite touch, Kihyun's hands moving up, sliding up Hoseok's chest and then around his shoulders to rest on his nape.

And suddenly, all of those times, all of those other times, flash through Hoseok's mind in an instant. All of those times when he and Kihyun had to sneak away to an empty dressing room or to a dark supply closet for wet, heated kisses and rough, grasping touches, all of those times that they had to be quick, had to settle for less than the perfect time or perfect mindset or perfect mood, all of those cramped hotel rooms, Hoseok fucking Kihyun around the world on stiff, unfamiliar beds, trying so hard to be quiet so that they wouldn't be exposed through thin walls, all of those countless, painful moments when they could only share a glance or touch and they'd ache for each other for hours after.

Hoseok lets out a little chuckle, suddenly, and Kihyun squirms beneath him. When Hoseok opens his eyes, Kihyun is looking up at him, perplexed.

"What are you waiting for?" Kihyun breathes out against Hoseok's mouth, their lips separated by only millimeters. Kihyun's eyes are foggy and wet; that's something that always happens when he's frustrated, Kihyun unable to control his feelings once he lets them loose and they overtake him. Hoseok is the only one that gets to see this side of Kihyun, however, and so he treasures these moments of vulnerability that Kihyun shows him, knowing how truly special they are.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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