Hope emerges slowly about thirty minutes later, peeking around the corner before coming into the room. "Where did Cauis go?" She asks coming to take the seat next to me on the couch.

I shrug my shoulders at her. "I don't know. Something to do with Septimus."

"Oh," is all Hope says.

After a minute of silence, and me going through the endless channels on the TV, I sigh, and pass Hope the remote. There's never anything on. Hope starts going through the channels, going too fast to see what's really playing.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask her as I reposition myself on the couch. Hope shrugs at me, but doesn't say anything. I may be feeling slightly better, but Hope hasn't started to step back into the light yet. She's still in her dark place. I just wish there was a way for me to help her, like Cauis has with me. I know she doesn't want to be around Miles, and I don't think she'll be ready for that for a long time. Not after what happened last night. It was a big step for her to have him over, and the accidental run in didn't help ease her mind. That's what she really needs. To clear her mind. To just get away for a while.

"Want to go for a walk?" I ask her. She hasn't left the pool house since we moved in here, so I doubt she'll want to.

Hope looks over at me, chewing on her cheek. To my amazement, she nods her head. "Yeah, okay."

"Really?" I press surprised.

Hope stands, and starts moving to where our shoes are by the door. "I'm tired of being stuck in here anyway. I feel like I'm losing my mind even more every day."

I move off the couch, and put my shoes on beside her. Neither of us have been out for so long, I just hope this isn't a mistake.

Hope opens the door, not waiting for me to get my other shoe on. I quickly pull it on, and rush after her. Hope turns and starts walking towards the side gate. I follow after her, thinking it's best she lead the way. I don't want to start walking somewhere, and she suddenly feels uncomfortable. I'm wanting this to help her in some form. Even if all it does is take the edge off.

Hope opens the side gate, and then waits for me. I smile at her when I close the gate. "Where to?" I ask her.

Hope looks around and then walks to the tree line along the southern edge. I stay beside her, matching her speed. We walk into the trees and continue on in silence. I'm not sure exactly what to say to her. I don't want to talk about Cauis, since that might make her feel worse about staying away from Miles. I have faith that she will get back to him. It may take a lot longer for her, but every single one of us will be here to support her.

We walk for nearly three hours, continuing towards the south the whole time. Hope has started picking up tiny flowers as we walk, and now has a large bouquet of all types and colors. She fiddles with it, rearranging them so they look nicer. As Hope bends to pick up another yellow flower, I smile at her back.

"You have a talent with flowers, Hope." I tell her as she looks at the bouquet trying to figure out where to put it.

She turns around, still examining them, and says, "I just wish I had more of a variety."

Under the Blood Moon~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Two (COMPLETE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن