At around 11:45 Jen and Wehi tied a rope that extended from the fence that was across the street to the tree that sat at the end of the driveway. Twelve thunder cracker fireworks were taken out of their boxes and tied onto the rope.

"We decided that Quinn should join in also, since she's basically one of us."

Quinn, surprised, raised up her hands in front of her. "No guys I can't. It's a team thing."

"Its alright. I was our idea, we ran it by Rachel to see if it were okay with her and she's said yeah." Nalani replied. "Please, we want you to be apart of this."

Rachel turned towards Quinn and nudged her arm. She accepted their offer and was given the firework that was tied near Rachels.

"So you guys do this every year?" Brittany wondered all night about the tradition and how it came to be a team thing. She was helping Tash tie the fireworks onto the rope.

"Every year. It became a thing when Santana became captain. We had choke trips within the team and she wasn't having it. She was pissed because she knew that we had potential as a team. But the drama that was going on off the field was interfering with on field chemistry." She finished tying the last string firework. "So she had a get together at her house one New Years eve and since then we all have been close. That girlfriend of yours, she's a natural born leader. She's humble about it all too and doesn't let the fact that she's captain get to her head."

"Shes done a lot for the team huh?"

"More than you can imagine, Sooner." Santana came walking over to the two girls.

"You guys ready? It's 11:55. Almost time to light it up."

Brittany found herself staring at Santana. Out of all the people she could have met by moving to Hawaii she found the one person that she had always dreamed about. Humble, caring, loyal, loving.. The list could go on and on. There were possibly a million reasons why she loved this girl but there wouldn't be enough time for her to list them all.

"You alright babe?" Santana was waving her hand in front of Brittany's face. "Spacing out or what?"

"Oh yeah sorry. I'm good I'm good." Santana gave her a quick kiss then turned back towards the team who were now all standing close together.

"Alright guys. Another year has come to a close, and I am blessed to have you all standing here with me today. You're pretty much my second family, and I wouldn't have my year come to a close any other way. 2010 is going to be our year, the year we finally go to states. The year we finally get a banner in the armory." Everyone started to high five. "11:59. Don't forget to think of something you wanna achieve this coming year while lighting your string. 10."

And the countdown began. Brittany thought back on the last couple months. She realized that she had experienced things that others only dream about. That most people never see in their entire lifetime. She grabbed onto Santana's waist and looked straight into her eyes. It was like the world was fading out and all she could see were those deep brown eyes staring into hers.

"Happy New Years!" Everyone was screaming and hugging.

Wehi lit the first string firework and it started to explode.

"Happy New Years, babe." Brittany ran her hand through Santana's hair.

"Happy New Years."

Santana leaned in and their lips met about halfway. By now they must've kissed a million times but this one felt different. Maybe it was the hype of the fireworks or the excitement of starting a new year together, as a couple. Whatever it was, it felt amazing.

They parted, and Santana had the biggest smile on her face.

"Im guessing it was everything you imagined?"

"Everything and more, my love." Santana grabbed onto Brittany's hand and their fingers interlocked.

They watched as each of the girls lit their firework, when finally only two were left. Santana had Brittany go first, then lit hers a little after. Once the last of it had finally burnt out, they all went back to where their chairs were. Jen poured everyone a shot of vodka.

"To the first drink of 2010. Cheers everyone." Rachel held up he shot glass and so did everyone else.

They all finished their shot and put the glass back down on the table.

As it got later in the morning, the girls started going to sleep one by one. Santana and Brittany were the last ones awake, and found themselves buzzed and laying on the trampoline, looking up at the stars. Santana had a blanket, which they shared. There was a nice cool breeze, which felt nice.

"Tonight was perfect. Just straight, perfection." Santana was laying flat on her back, waiting for Brittany to cuddle with her. "Where did you want to sleep tonight?"

"Anywhere as long as I'm with you." She yawned, then laid on Santana gently. "I hate that I get so tired after drinking."

Santana pulled the blanket up over both of them, then started to gently run her hand through the blondes hair. She knew it was like her kryptonite. "You're too much, B."

After a couple minutes, Santana realized that Brittany was asleep.

"Goodnight beautiful."

And with that, Santana allowed herself to fall asleep.

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