"Jug," Betty said.

Jughead's expression changed, "What are you guys doing here?" He asks.


Outside Jughead and the others began to chat -- only for Peter to notice a certain Serpent girl walking from the parking lot. Peter glanced from his friends and then walked over to her.

"Hey," Peter says.

"I think you're at the wrong school, Peter." Toni smiles at him.

Peter nods, "Yeah, just uh- checking on a friend."

Toni glanced and noticed Jughead and the others, "So your friends with FP's kid?"

Peter nods, "Yeah."

Toni then looks at the girls, "So which girl was it?" She asks with a grin.

Peter glanced at her, "What?" He asks.

Toni lightly shoves him, "Which girl broke your heart? Clearly its one of these two."

"How- How would you know?" Peter asks.

Toni gives him a look, "You told me a few days ago that you're still friends with her. So which one?"

Peter glanced over at the group. At that moment, Betty and Jughead hugged. Peter glanced from them to Toni.

"The blonde," He said, "Her name is Betty."

Toni looks at Betty then to Peter, "So you had a thing for blondes, huh?" She says.

Archie glanced from Betty and Jughead -- then noticed Peter talking to a brunette with pink in her hair. Archie assumed that Peter knew this girl well enough. Veronica didn't seem to notice though, she was looking at Betty and Jughead.

"They're each other's soulmates." Veronica said, "Good for them, don't you think?"

Veronica noticed Archie glancing at Peter. She turns over to see the nerdy kid talking to the Southside girl.

"Who is that?" Veronica asks.

Archie shrugs, "No idea."

Just then Peter's phone was ringing -- he looks at the caller ID. It was Cheryl's name.

"Uh- I gotta take this," Peter said.

Toni nods, "Have fun. I have a science test to bomb." She tapped his shoulders and headed off into the building.

Peter answered the phone, "Cheryl?"

"Thank you for always being there for me, Peter." Cheryl said, "I'm going to be with Jason now."

Peter's eyes widen after she had hung up on him. He looks from his phone and then ran over to the others.

"We need to get to Sweetwater River now," Peter said.

Betty turns to him, "What's going on?"

Peter looks scared, "I- I think Cheryl is going to kill herself."


The gang arrived at Sweetwater River -- all five of them. The water had frozen from the cold -- a snow layer on top the ice.

"Cheryl!" Veronica yells.

"Cheryl!" Archie yells.

Surprisingly, Peter was running the fastest -- might've been his adrenaline kicking in.

"Cheryl!" Peter screams.

Finally Peter arrived at a clearing -- he heard the other's shouting in the distance. And standing in the middle of the icy water was Cheryl. She was in her white dress -- the very same white dress she wore the day Jason vanished.

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