First Contact

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Chapter Two - First Contact

Half-past-one came and went and I started wondering where she was. I was about to walk when she came running out and motioned for me to follow her. I got up from my position on the wall and followed her.

She walked into the nearby supermarket and went to the back by the bread aisle. ,Then she turned and said, "Sorry, my parents made me lunch, even though I said I was going out with friends and..."

"It's ok," I interjected her clearly flustered apology, "Is this your lunch break still?"

"Yes," she replied.

"We've met up but we still don't know each others names or anything about one-an-other," I pointed out.

"You're right. Okay then. My names Ellie and I'm 15. My parents run the shop that I work in and I've never had a boyfriend."

Really? She'd never had a boyfriend. Surely someone who looks as beautiful as her would have had a boyfriend.

"So, what about you? What's your name?" Ellie asked.

"My name is Will, I'm 15 as well," I replied, "I live nowhere near here. This is just a holiday. Also I have never had a girlfriend before."

"Follow me," she instructed, "I know a place to go

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