How it happens

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You already probably know what I mean. . . . Also  (f/c) means favorite color

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I was just walking home from work, because my parents both died in a car crash coming back from work themselves I got myself a job. It's tiring though, mostly because I get off at like eight or nine at night! I heard some weird thing go off, I think it was a gun! I instantly try to get away from it but end up exactly where it was and the first thing I see is who has the gun. A man in a suit with sunglasses, he notices me and says "Kraang has been figured out, shoot the unknown human known as a tresspaser!" I felt scared and I couldn't move, once he pulled the trigger everything went in slow motion. As it hit my stomach I fell and thought 'this is it... at least I'll see you mom and dad' I think as I feel myself black out.

Leo's p.o.v

We heard gunshots and Raph said "and you thought it was gonna be a quiet night!" I roll my eyes and grabbed my Katanas from it's holster. We all run to where we heard the noise, but once we got there we seen Kraang and one shot a girl! She looked so pretty too- 'stop Leo! She's dying and I don't even know her for crying out loud' I was the first one that attacked, but then as we were taking them down, one of them dropped the mutagen, and it slowly went it's way towards the girl. It probably won't do anything though because she's already gone "the mutagen!" Donnie yells out though because we needed it to make more retro-mutagen. It didn't take long for us to take them dumb braniacs down, but before we left I looked at the poor girl "come on Leo! You're gonna miss out on the pizza!" Mikey yells making me sigh and follow my bros.

Back to you

I seen a light and noticed I'm slowly heading towards it, seeing mom and dad in the distance and hear bells. I smile as I'm getting closer but I hear mom say "I didn't expect to see you this soon-" I didn't hear anything else, because I felt pushed back down and instantly knew I was breathing actual air again, I felt my lungs burn. I instantly sat up and seen I was still in that alley 'was that just a dream??' I sit up and feel myself tired, then I immediately remembered that guy in the suit and turned to see nothing but them lying on the ground. I didn't question it but I instantly started running away before they could get back up. I felt myself get this weird shiver, or at least I thought I did because I seen my own breath come out of me but the color was.... (f/c)?!? After that all I know is I seen this weird light surrounding me and then I see my outfit changed into a jumpsuit but with my first initial on my chest. I gasp and for some dumb reason thought I could get away from it by jumping, when I jumped though I seen the town below me!

"Oh. . . My god! What happened to me?!!" I yell out and then go onto the closest roof and land on it. I realized it's my apartment building, I sigh and thought 'how do I get in without any of the other people seeing me?' As I kept thinking I noticed I was falling through the roof into Mr. Harrinsons apartment, then down and further down until I seen mine. Wait what? I stopped and noticed I can see myself again, I instantly go into the bathroom and look at my reflection. My hair and eyes are now (f/c), I felt scared of this new look so I started thinking 'I need to figure out how to change back!' Once I thought that I seen that weird light again and I look back up in the mirror and notice I am back to normal....

What is wrong with me?!?!

Dogpound's p.o.v

I heard footsteps close by so I peered over the corner and see a girl, but once I see her she breathes out and her breath looked (f/c)... then she instantly turns into what I think is a ghost. I feel my eyes widen, she noticed what happened but looks as surprised as I feel, she jumped and then I see her in the sky. I make sure she couldn't see me, it worked, then she yells out "Oh. . . My god! What happened to me?!!" I couldn't see her because she went onto the building on my left. "I have got to tell master Shredder about this news..." I say to myself and start heading towards his lair.


Okay I hope you like this so far


Leo x Halfa! readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora