When Things Go Boom in the Sky

Start from the beginning


To be honest with you, I felt embarrassed. I fainted too much in this chapter. At leat Swinub fainted once because of Bayleef's kick. But with some sparks and a needle? Pretty good reason I should be embarrassed.

I was in a lab, my hands and feet tied up so I wouldn't punch someone. Did I mention the body was wrapped too? Plus, there was no one around. My head was tied up too, so I couldn't turn my head or anything. The only thing I saw was the ceiling and an air vent. I gazed at the vent, and it started to rattle. Finally it opened and tiny Larvestas crawled out. And when I say tiny, I mean tiny. Wait, that couldn't be right. I wasn't in the Unova region. Unless my eyes were playing tricks on me, these were totally Larvestas.

"Are you ok, sir Bagon?" one of them asked. Their voices were tiny and squeaky. If chipmunks could talk, this was what they sounded like. "Ummm.. not really, but are you sure you got the right guy? I mean there could be more than one Bagon in this warship." I replied. "Nonsense," the same guy said, which I guessed was the leader of the bug troop. "We have been captured for over 5 years and we know everyone that has been caught." So, is there something in my eye? I think I'm hallucinating." I requested. "No prob, sir. We'll take care of it right away." "Don't make it painfu-" I couldn't finish the sentence. They shoat a blast of heat right at my eye. The pain was so unbearable, I almost fainted. Luckily, I didn't.

When it was finished, the torch pokemons were still there. So they weren't an illusion. The flamethrower had also burned the ropes holding me down. The flame had spread acoss the ship. I hoped the other guys would be okay.

Swinub's POV

The scientists were guarding the cell. But, there was hope. When they took out Bagon, they had left the door open. Not wide, but tiny bit. Eevee had kept it open just with her tail. None of the people noticed. Bayleef kept asking the experimenter if he could kick our butts. The only reason was that the shiny Geodude kept pounding on the bars, keeping the humans distracted.

The rest of us came up with a plan. We needed some kind of diversion then, Eevee turns into a Jolteon (neat trick, huh) and zap the scientists and run for the escape pods. Rescue Bagon on the way. The only problem was creating the diversion. I hope Bagon could do it.

Just then, a fire alarm wailed. Bagon had made a diversion. The scientists ran to the fire extinguisher but Eevee turned into a Flareon and blew fire in their direction. But they had reached it already. The hanle must have been steaming hot, beacuae they dropped it, now headed for the ice packs. That bought us time. Flareon morphed into  a Vaporeon, and shot water at the flames for us to escape.

Bagon met us while we were running. "You're okay!" I shouted. "Yeah, some Larvestas helped me." he replied. I realized there were tiny bugs at his feet. "Anyway, there's this fire and escaping process going on?" siad Riolu. "Right," I said."I scooped this map when we were running for the escape pods the first time." I looked at it, and almost got a headache. The map was bunch of lines and words that made no sense.

"Ummm....... What is this supposed to be?" I asked, confused. "Bagon leaned over and gazed at the map. He got a blank look on his face, which really creeped me out. The others haven't noticed, so I didn't tell them. "This map has to be placed on a panel in the control room at the upper left corner; The words are messy, but if you read it backwards, the words make sense. The lines-I not sure what they are, but I think they show the location of the control room." I didn't know how he figured that out, but as I followed his directions, it made sense.

"How did you know that?" asked Eevee, astonished. "I don't know," Bagon admitted. "Sir, we really should be going," said a Larvesta. They had been so quiet, I totally forgot about them. "Our scouts tell me __________ is coming." He said. He whispered something that was too small for me to hear. "Who?" Bagon  and I asked, simultaneously. "Doesn't matter right now, masters, now climb into the vent!" He shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2012 ⏰

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