Chapter 9-Why...

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Dear Diary...
Cotton is gone. I haven't found the time to write, because we have been searching for her. I'm super scared.. What if she's dead? Great.. As soon as one good thing happens, so many bad things just pile up on me. The other pets have been stricken with grief. I hope Cotton didn't go with my dad or something. I'm so sick of everything bad happening. It's like life rising me up, making me feel great.. And then it plummets me down back into a hell-hole where I won't escape for like, 5 years.  I finally reveal my biggest secret to my parents and friends, and they accept me.. Then, I lose my puppy and have no idea where to find her.. I'll write more later.

Love, Sashi~🌈💕🌈

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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