I Married A Murderer - Epilogue

Start from the beginning

I slipped under the silk sheets that, to my dismay, smelled a lot like Ryan. I nuzzled up to the sheets and quickly drifted off.



I awoke around 2 AM, not able to sleep anymore. Too many thoughts clouded my head, it was overwhelming. I carefully stood up, trying my best not to wake Maddie, and tossed the sheets off my body, heading towards the bathroom. I flipped on the light, shut the door, and turned the faucet on. I took a hard look at my appearance in the mirror before I splashed a handful of warm water on my face.

I gripped the side of the sink tightly, anger and frustration washing over me. I wanted her to desperately forgive me, but I had a gut feeling it was going to be awhile before she could even look at me again. Every word we exchanged since she got back was cold and heartless. No love or playfulness attached, like it used to be.

I knew it was a lot. I knew what I did wasn't exactly normal, she had gone through a lot. But it made me wonder. If she hated me so much, why was she still sticking around? Any other person would've packed everything and left. She had to still love me, right? I was becoming too paranoid.

A loud sob coming from the other side of the door and a large boom from outside brought me out of my trance. I automatically knew it was Maddie, knowing well she hated thunderstorms, and she also had bad anxiety. I opened the door and shut the light off, seeing Maddie sitting up wiping tears with her sleeve.

Maddie desperately needed medicine for her anxiety but refused to get some. She always said it wasn't a big deal.

I kneeled down next to her and brought her into a gentle, soothing hug. I rubbed her back, pecking her temple. I wanted to comfort her, but I also knew she was mad at me. I didn't wanna go too far.

"You're fine. Just a storm," I whispered into her ear. She clung to my shirt, needing comfort from me.

"He raped me..." I heard her murmur. "He hurt me..." She suddenly bursted into more tears and I realized it wasn't the storm this time, it was Marcus. A pang of guilt hit me and hatred filled my body. It felt good knowing I was responsible for his death. He had hurt my wife, he deserved it more than anybody.

"Listen to me," I whispered, holding her face in my palms. "He's dead now. He can't hurt you anymore." Her beautiful eyes filled with more water and she gripped my fingers tightly. She gently pulled me into the bed with her and put my arm around her waist. I smiled, stroking her hair. I wasn't sure if she really meant all of this, considering she was probably half awake.

"I forgive you," she told me, rubbing my arm soothingly. She rolled over so she was facing me, her eyes staring into mine.

"I don't think you really do, you're not fully awake --" She interrupted me with a small kiss on the lips.

"I'm awake," she reassured me. "If I'm going to be your wife and love you, I have to accept everything you are. And even knowing you're a murderer, you don't scare me. I trust you with everything. I loved you before you told me what you do, and I'm going to love you now." She whispered. My heart swelled at her words.

"Come here, sweetheart," I murmured, kissing her long and hard. She giggled softly, gently running her fingers through my hair. She sunk down further into the sheets and rested her head on my chest, her eyes fluttering to a close.

"I'm sorry that happened to you," I suddenly told her. "I swear, I'm never going to let you out of my sight again. I was being stupid, I -"

"Shhh," she told me, her arms wrapped around my waist tightly. "Just go to sleep."

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