7-Missing Part 1

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It has been almost 1 week since I got the text that I assume was from Angel. I have tried to avoid Logan just in case she would do something, but now that I haven’t been getting anymore texts, maybe it’s safe. Maybe she did that just to scare me. Or maybe it wasn’t even her. All I know is that I need to look out for her.


This is a bigger deal than any other relationship because ours isn’t legal so it makes the matters worse. We will try all we can to keep it a secret but if it doesn’t work out, we will just have to wait.


The problem is, I don’t know if I can wait. I could barely make it through class with him before we were together. But maybe it was because I thought he hated me and we had no chance to be together.


If we have to wait because of the chance of getting caught, maybe it won’t be as bad.


I just hope that Angel doesn’t bother us because then we wouldn’t have to worry about any of this.


I knew there was going to be problems in our relationship as there is in all, but I wasn’t expecting it to be this soon.


Maybe by not telling Logan, I am putting myself in danger, but I think it is best for me to handle it by myself. If I tell him, it might just put him off the edge. I know how mad he was before.


If things get bad, I will tell him but I am going to try to handle things on my own.


The chime of my phone interrupts my thoughts.




Logan: Hey, wanna come ovr?


I really want to see him again. If we hang out and I don’t get any more texts from Angel, then I’m fine.




Chloe: Ya! Leaving now!  C U soon:)




I hope this works.






I knock on his door and immediately he answers wrapping me in a hug.


“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!” He says pulling away from the hug.


“Ummmm, Logan?”


“Yeah?” He says curiously.


“You saw me yesterday….in class?” I smile as I say it.


He laughs. “You know what I meant!”


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