Chapter Thirty- mixed emotions

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these past weeks have been nothing but pure stress for me yo.

ever since the sex tape got leaked i've been called so many names you can't even imagine.

some people even accuse me of cheating on nahmir and getting herpes from cam.

i honestly can't step foot outside without somebody saying some bullshit.

yesterday i talked to nahmir about me going back to alabama just for a month to see my family.

and get comfort by people who love me.

not saying the crew doesn't love me it's just i feel as if i need to be home, home makes me feel better.

'you finished packing, nahmir said coming in the room.

i shook my head zipping up my bag.

'shorty don't cry please don't.

he came over whipping my tears from my face.

'nahmir do you see what their saying about me!

'mannn fuck what them people say tori, you still getting yo bag regardless.

and he was right, half of them people was prolly horny little teenagers still asking they mama for five dollars.

i smiled looking at him.

'c'mon yo flight in another hour.

i grabbed his hand following him out the door.


once we got to the airport

jay, glizzy, nature, and the babies were all standing there waving goodbye.

'be safe bestie, nature said hugging me.

everybody else ran over joining the hug as well.

'we all love you tori>nahmir

i wrapped my arms around his shoulders pecking his lips a few times.

i looked up at everybody else smiling.

'i love yall to.

before i boarded the plane nature yelled causing everyone to look her way.


i laughed walking in.

ima miss them like fuck yooo, but a month will be here before you know it.


the house been sad like shit bro..

i've just been so fucking pissed off at all these people and what they saying bout this sex tape situation.

victoria really didn't deserve this at all and all this shit lead up to that fucker CAM.

now he really needed a good ass whopping.

while shorty was in alabama, me and nature decided to take things into our own hands.

since nature sister was a lawyer she would help us sue him and file a report for exposing tori and also putting his hands on her.

'ok so how we gon do this, i said looking at jasmine.

'well ima need you to fill out this report and ill send it in.

'is he gonna go to jail for this shit because his ass needs to!>nature

'well he will probably get a couple months for the tape, but since he's a first time offender for the abuse charge he won't.

'then what he gon get?

'the most is going to some program, probation, house arrest, or community service.

i shook my head in disbelief at what i was hearing.

i sighed looking at jasmine and nature.

'ight let's do it.

i printed out victoria's bruises and gave them to jasmine.

'just sign right here.

she handed me a pen telling me to sign.

'it will take about three days before i get something back telling us we can go ahead and start trial.

i shook my head as she walked off.

'it's gonna be ok nahmir we're gonna get through this>nature

she held onto my hand smiling.

'and if you still wanna go beat cam's ass i'll be happy to join.

i laughed waving her off.

'nahh, i got this.

she got up giving me a hug.

'just be smart k.

i gave her the 'ok' getting up.

'thanks nature.

'anytime bro.


glizzy texted me the address of asia's house since cam was living there.

i walked out the car ringing the doorbell a million times.

'what the fu-

cam stopped before walking outside.

'lemme guess you saw the tap-

i stepped back punching him across his face.

i picked him up (yeah my small ass did that) slamming him down the rest of the steps.

i was going crazy on this nigga, just taking hella blows to his face.

'i told you if you tried fucking wit her again, i would beat cho ass.

'now what am i doing BEATING YO MF ASS!!!

asia ran out trynna pull me off him.

'stop nahmir!!

i continued until i saw blood rushing from his face.

'see me in court pussy!

i kicked him one last time before leaving.

that shit felt good af.

this nigga really been asking for it.

and look what he got.

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