Chapter 22: "Can we fly a bit more gently than last time?"

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"You want us to do what?"

"Get us aboard the control tower," Ella explained, shouting into Lance's ear in the cockpit of the Nova. "We can't do any good out here. Lady Valois has passed on a message from Assayer Neerada. She has information critical to the rebellion - but she will only give it to me."

"You believe her?" Lance asked. Nonetheless, he turned the Nova onto a heading that brought the control tower of the ring into sight.

"She will have information," Ella said. "But I don't think that's why she wants me to board the station."

Chip gasped.

"Three TIEs have broken off from the fray. They are heading in our direction."

"Hell," Lance muttered. "You sure they are hostile?"

"I believe so, Captain," the cyborg said steadily.

"Captain Dare?" the X-Wing pilot's voice came over the comm. "It's Commander Manus here. You have three hostiles moving to intercept you from sector 47. That's too many for me to keep off you Captain, and there's very little help in range."

Ella stared at the cockpit's battle display. It was impossible to tell who was who with the tactical computer offline.

"Can't we make the landing bay in time?" she asked.

"Not with any hope of slowing down in time to stay alive with those TIEs on our tail - not with the damage we've sustained," Lance said. He leaned over the comm. "Get whatever help you can, Manus. We'll be thankful for anything you can rustle up."

A light on the dashboard flashed red. The Nova veered to the left.

"The starboard thruster is playing up," Lance said. "Cor, can you do anything about that?"

"Not from my console," the avian answered over the comm. "It's barely functioning. If I divert any more power to it the whole starboard engine feed will overheat."

"Fine," Lance said. "Kennet? Can you do anything about it in engineering?"

The rebel technician's voice came back, grim but calm.

"If I can re-route the circuit boards from the life support then that will give us better functionality. The starboard thruster's circuits took an overload so it needs replacing. But I'll need help down here."

Lance gave Salpantor a look. The wookie growled and nodded to Ella.

"Fine," he fumed. "I'll go. I'm the only one who knows this ship well enough. You," he gave Ella an aggrieved look. "It's your turn to fly. Just stay out of any fights."

"I promise," Ella said sarcastically. "It's not like we're involved in a battle or anything, after all."

Lance made a face and left the cockpit. Ella took her seat and gripped the control to steady the Nova as she veered off to the left again.

"Can I make request?" Chip asked politely. "And I think I speak on behalf of us all when I say this."

"Uh-huh," Ella answered, concentrating on the read outs and the flashing lights and the rapidly approaching TIEs. "What is it?"

"Can we fly a bit more gently than last time?"

She risked giving him a foul look. Sal made a throaty roar of support of the cyborg's plea.

Ella gave him a piratical grin.

"What's the matter wookie? You nervous? Don't they make vacuum suits big enough for you?" She nudged the stick and the Nova wobbled suddenly.

Salpantor's reply didn't need any translator for Ella to understand.

"Keep your hair on Sal," she grinned. "Ok Manus," she spoke into the comm. "Are you a fisherman?"

"A fisherman?"

"Yep. Are you familiar with the 'bait and hook' technique?"

"Against three enemy ships? I don't see how that would work–"

"It won't. Not in a deep space environment with minimal resistance, but I've got a variation planned," she said. "Chip, get a gravitational reading on the installation - we might not be able to dock on the first pass but we might be able to lose them on the ring."

Chip leaned over. "If that X-Wing pilot is commander Elett Manus, then I think you should listen to him. He's one of the Alliance's ace fighters. Really, Princess Ella, if he doesn't think it will work then–"

"I've been flying all manner of crates everyday for the last ten years, Chip. I've studied battles and techniques and I reckon I know more about combat flying than any one else aboard this ship."

The thought of Lady Jish in her light fighter, pursuing her in the ravines around Farsalt and the deep space between the planet and its moons, made her suddenly sorry. She had not understood why that wise lady had been trying to teach her.

"I promise, Chip," she said, more subdued. "And you Sal. We'll come through this. All of us. You hear me? I promise. Now, get me the gravity readouts from the installation."


Please vote on this chapter if you have survived the battle this long! Cheers. Tom.

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