By now the majority of citizens have successfully evacuated, he knew it was right to leave that job to Joong Ki. However he wished he had someone he could trust with the people inside the backstage area, but at this point everyone was a suspect.

He had verified the staff and soldiers on duty today himself. Everyone's background check had checked out. But after finding out from the last attack that ex-general Han and his daughter Han Yoo-kyungwere rebels, Yoo-kyung being one of his tops soldiers, he doubted everyone.

Especially right now. 

To have planted bombs on the stage meant that the rebels had been inside all along, also that they have been waiting. Waiting for an opening.

It could be anyone, but specifically someone with ease to move around freely without anyone questioning them.

But where were they? What do they accomplish by coming here and disrupting an event with so many witnesses?

The backstage was covered in debris and rubble. Some of the exits were cut off by large chunks of concrete. Soldiers shouted orders as some candidates fled through the few available exits, crew members following after them.

Good, the place was being cleared out. Now all he had to do was find—


Yoongi stopped at the voice. Turned.  "The hell you two doing here?" the general exclaims as he sees Namjoon and Jungkook approaching him. "You two were supposed to be the first to evacuate!"

"How can I just go without knowing if everyone is safe?" Namjoon says. His clothes are covered in dust, his hair looking greyish from it as well.

"Stubborn bastard," Yoongi grumbles under his breath, he looks at the prince. "And you? What's your excuse?"

Jungkook gives him a sheepish grin. "I couldn't just leave either."

The general groans. Of course he had to serve a king and prince that were so fucking selfless that they didn't even think of their own lives. Of course.

"Civilians are evacuated," Yoongi informs briefly. "Geong Min is with Song. Candidates and staff seem to be all out as well. I think you two can leave now."

The two royals looked unsure. Yoongi wanted just to knock both of them out and drag them out of the place but knew better than doing so. He opened his mouth to tell them to get their butts moving but a commotion at the exit gets their attention.

"What are you doing?!" he hears someone shout. "You have to get out!"

"Let go of me! I have to go back!" Yoongi glances back. Some soldiers are pushing a candidate back, instructing him to leave. "Hyung! My hyung isn't out here!" the deep voice shouts. "Jin-Hyung and Jimin are still in there!"

It takes a moment for the words to register in Yoongi's head. As soon as they do, there's another bang, another shake of the earth, another fall of concrete, metal and dust. He turns on his feet.

Namjoon is already gone.

Namjoon is already gone

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