Chapter Three - Step

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"Well, I give you this Chrissy, you got my attention now!" he said as he threw his sports bag over the shoulder and slammed the front door on his way out.

Joe hadn't come back home apart from when he collected Tory for his weekends.

You can always see the reasons for arguments much more clearly when you step away from the arena. Now I saw the faults on both sides, not just his. I wondered if I could have rewound back would it have made any difference and stopped the crisis?

It was pointless to go over this again in my head as in reality no one can go back to where they were as time only moves forward unless you have a Tardis in your back garden.

Why had I let the flattery of the gas fitter go to my head, instead of sorting things out with Joe one way or the other? His dark eyes upon my naked body as he caught me with another man, would never leave me.

Regardless of his faults of which there were plenty, I still missed his kisses and touch; although it had been a hell of a long time since I had felt them, it was still him I wanted. Was that logical? Maybe I was just missing being with someone?

Still, something had made me pick up my wedding ring off the dresser this morning. Exactly, what I didn't know. I stopped walking and unzipped my handbag. My fingers rummaged for my purse and opened the treasure within. There it still sparkled amongst the change. It seemed almost of its own accord to slip on and down my finger to where it used to be.

I still remembered how good it felt to have Joe's fingers running down my spine and aroma of his favourite aftershave. The way our fingers interlinked when our bodies met and the sensation when our lips pressed together, kissing and becoming one.

I felt my mobile phone vibrate in my handbag. It pulled away me from remembering how good we felt together and drawn back to reality. I stopped at the side of the road and dug my left hand within my cluttered zone to retrieve my phone.

"Hello," I said not recognising the number, "who is this?"

No one answered, and the phone cut off. I turned around to look behind me but before I was able to complete this, I felt a push in my lower back, followed by a sharp thud of two wheels hitting the back of my legs. I felt my feet then tip over the pavement curb, with my hands flailing in front of me in desperation trying to stop myself shooting forward. My purse flew up in the air; thereafter colliding at speed onto the road and the pennies previously within it dropped like confetti on the tarmac.

My body hit something hard as I span into the air. A thudding noise followed as I caught the edge of a vehicle. Agony invaded my hip and screaming filled my ears. Who was making that noise? Was it me? Someone else?

Voices over voices rippled around me. Pain flooded every vein as my body shuddered and I landed somewhere on the hard road. It felt as if every bone in my body was in pieces and my organs crumpled as I struggled to breathe. Excruciating pain filling every pore.

Someone in a wheelchair sat watching me from the pavement. I felt an icy chill as they smiled, before placing their hands on the wheels and steering themselves away.

Everything seemed to slow down, and sounds became distorted, my vision became unclear. Layers of sound fluttered around me. I couldn't move.

Screams filled my ears. Different voices. People talking closer. Asking me questions. It felt overwhelming.

Blue lights flashed. Loud voices.


I heard a door slam and then there a black nothing.

Footnote: I have slightly edited this to give another insight to the villain.  I was inspired by an actress who has to use a wheelchair due to her disability.  She said, she wished people wrote parts for people who are disabled that are a villains and that her parts are rarely juicy.  So inspired by that, it is sending my story down a slightly different road.    Let me know what you think.  After all villains are not always labelled how we expect them to be.

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