New friends

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"Hey Hailey!" Astrid called out.

"Hey." Hailey said, panting a bit. Hmm...I guess Hailey isn't the athletic type... "Who's your friend here?" She asks eyeing me.

"Hailey, this is Ashton Reaper, he's new here so better treat him right. Oh and better apologize to him too, he's the guy I was talking to this morning before you dragged me away." Astrid told Hailey accusingly.

"Hey! You should be thanking me! I was trying to get our butts early for school! I'm really sorry tho, Ashton. Hailey Myrlie Rockefeller, best friend of the golden girl." She said, introducing herself.

Astrid winced and shoved her. Wow, girls can really be aggressive sometimes. "Hailey, I told you not to call me that!" She whined.

Okay. What is with girls and whining?

"What!? It's true!" She retorted.

"Whatever. Okay, lets head to Hell hole class, shall we, Hailey? And while we're at it, lets show Ashton the way as well." Astrid said.

She hates Math class too, at least we have something in common aside from writing to our elementary pen pals.

We started walking, me behind the two girls who obviously are the golden girls of this school. Every direction I look, I would see thousands of eyes staring at us, correction, them. Guys were drooling and staring at them with lustful eyes, and girls were either looking at them with admiration or complete jealousy. I mean, if I was a girl, I would've been really jealous of them too. With their gorgeous body and looks, they practically can get any guy they want.

"Ashton!" I heard Hailey call out. Astrid was silently fiddling with her phone beside her, no wonder Hailey decided to talk to me, her friend's snobbing her. I nervously walk up beside her and smiled.

"Tell me about yourself." She randomly asked.

I gulp. These were the type of questions that tend to break down my walls and reveal my secrets.

"Um, I'm an only child and my mother's independent." I decided to blurt out. Her eyes soften at this. I gulp again. How are girls so good at figuring things out.

"I'm sorry, Ashton, forget I asked, I figured that—" I cut her off by saying a small "it's fine."

Before another awkward boy-girl tension arises, I asked her the same question she asked me.

"Well...I'm also an only child, but my dad's always abroad, going on business trips." Hailey said, quite sad.

I nod in understanding. "I'm very sorry your dad doesn't realize that he's missing out on the fun with his daughter. I feel you tho, my dad also went to business trips a lot so I don't really get to see him that much. Because of that, we don't really get father-son moments together."

Before we could get deeper into the subject, Astrid interrupted us by saying " Welcome to the Chemistry classroom, Ash." I look up to the classroom and let out an amazed gasp.


The size of the classroom looked like 3 whole cars could fit inside. There were 8 rows of armchairs, which was only occupied by some students lounging on top of them. It looked to me, that the classroom was decorated by an art teacher.

I heard someone laugh. Astrid.

"Done drooling, Ash?"

I grew red. "I-i was j-jus—"

"She's just messing with ya!" Hailey said while laughing and playfully elbowing me. I huff, as I waved goodbye to them. I sat at the very back of the room, and thought of something to do.

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