☀️ Recognitions!! ☀️

Depuis le début

The background is actually transparent.

It's a ribbon to paste on your banner because I know that some of you really like your banners.

I can pm you guys so that you can have the actual image if you want it!!

Here are some judges that I'd like to put on the spot right here, though, because there are some judges who really made a difference.



My dearest, not just for taking up more than one genre, but also for being so dedicated. You didn't just review, but you gave your thoughts, suggestions, and reasoning in such a way that each aspect was at most three paragraphs long!! When I screenshotted your reviews, some came up to three separate screen shots... But not only are you dedicated, you are also wise for your age. You are young, but mature and harbor wisdom beyond our most famous elders. You were such a blessing to have, and I couldn't have asked for better, honestly.



Where would I have been without you? You helped me judge over three genres when many of our judges left us. You gave me good reviews in a short amount of time, and were so happy to help. You weren't even signed up to be a judge in the first place, but you jumped in when things started going downhill. Thank you so much for helping me - if you hadn't of jumped in like that, I probably would still be struggling, trying to review books.


And now that the judges have received the recognition they deserved, I would like to shout out other people that have made a difference here as well.

There are a lot of people, so prepare for a long list!


calmwolf - For keeping things in check even when she doesn't have to!

GrandArkirah - For the beautiful cover!!

celaenamoon  - For the sparkling stickers!

Nebulae - For the gorgeous nomination stickers!!

BladesOfCourage - For keeping me motivated with a smile!

Witto150 - For really helping in getting this awards out there!

MutantWizard101 - Was put through Hell during the tag fest, so give him a nice prize, lol

thenightfurychannel - Was put through the same amount of Hell

Alexander_Chase - Has done a lot for me and this awards, and has been an overall awesome friend!! Love ya, bubba-boo!!

Spider-Hawk - For being my #1 inspiration in all the big things I do on Wattpad, and keeping the spirits up when I was low.

-whatismylife- - For saving the lives of people suffering from depression, both on Wattpad and irl. We need more people like this who actually take action and are not bystanders.

_ScarlettReaper_ - This is my message to you - stop being so doubtful of yourself. If you stop believing in yourself, everything will go downhill. You need to have confidence, and expect a good outcome.


For those of you that were mentioned in this page - there is a special surprise for you!

For those of you that were mentioned in this page - there is a special surprise for you!

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This is a sticker that was created to also be pasted on your banner.

Again , thank you guys so much for everything!!

This awards did have a major fault, but you were all here to see it through.~

☀️Solstice Awards Winners! - 2018☀️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant