The Girl With the Voice

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The boy came in a minute later holding a glass of water out for Mitchie and holding a mug of coffee for himself. The two stayed in silence until the awkwardness got much too big for the girl's taste.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep." She announced, getting his attention.

"Then what were you doing out there in the first place?" He snapped.

"I was...well I was sad, and I just decided to go to the beach."

"Then why the blanket?"

"It gets cold." She shrugged, "I didn't...I didn't mean...I'm sorry..."

"Not right now, Mitchie. Not right now." He said, tucking the girl under the covers and clicking off the light.

Shane took to his own bunk, feeling that she shouldn't be left alone.

Why am I doing this, anyway?

Mitchie had no right to be sad. He was the one that should be crying, not her. She had lied to him, not the other way around.

He heard a door opening, and Shane was surprised to see Caitlyn stomping inside. She ignored his constant orders to leave and took to Mitchie's side.

"Are you okay?" She asked, kneeling beside the bunk where her friend laid.

"I'm fine." The brunette responded, managing a small smile.

"What were you doing out there?"

And so, the brunette launched into her explanation, Caitlyn nodding along in the right places. At the end of the story, the DJ wrapped her arms around her friend and hugged her tightly, "I was really, really worried." She said sternly, "Don't do anything as stupid as that again!"

"Okay, Mom." Mitchie teased, bumping her friend on the shoulder.

"Shane?" Caitlyn piped up, earning his attention. He sat up in his seat and waited for her to talk.

"You take good care of my girl here." She ordered, stepping closer to the star, "And go easy on her." She whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, shut up. She was crying because she felt so bad about lying to you, ya idiot."

"But she—"

"—Made a mistake. Hurt her and I'll kick you in your pop star ass, okay?" She smirked and turned around to leave, but then noticed something.

Mitchie was gone.

"That idiot!" Caitlyn shouted, stomping out of the cabin to look for her friend. She heard some chatter nearby and saw Tess, Peggy, and Ella down by the beach. The blonde was holding something up in her left hand, something that had Mitchie's name on it.

"...Give it back!" Mitchie shouted, making a grab for the object Tess was holding.

"No." She said, waving the (what looked like a book) above the brunette's head, "You got your time with Shane already. Why do you need some silly songs to impress him?"

"Wait, this is about Shane?" Mitchie scoffed, making a grab for the book one more time.

"Tess, just give it back!" Caitlyn shouted, joining her friend's side.

The blonde scoffed and walked over to the water, wiggling the book over the salty blue.

"No..." Mitchie said, tears already falling down her face, "Please, no!"

Tess let go of the book and it instantly sank underneath the water, "Oops."

"No!" Mitchie shouted, running over to the waves, removing her jacket and preparing to dive into the water.

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