"Ayo drop the beat! who's next?"

"I wanna spin it" Chnele squealed he grabbed the bottle whilst the rest of the boys held their hands over their ears at the sound of his squealing.

He spun the bottle for it to land on Haechan. He thanked his dolphin tribe as had been waiting for this the whole time they started the game.

"So Haechan hyung, truth or dare?"

"I'll go with truth today" after hearing his answer, the rest of the boys minus Mark gasped.

"You're not choosing dare today?" Jaemin asked.

"Nah, I feel like spilling some tea today", which was only half a lie. The truth was that he didn't want to do a dare as he didn't want to embarrass himself infront of Mark.

"Okay", Chenle began to grin like a cheshire cat which confused the rest of the boys looking at him.

"Hae hyung, as you're oh-so-painfully single, what's your ideal type?", now it was the rest of the boys' turn to mirror Chenle's smile except Mark who just looked intrigued.

"Oh...uh..." Haechan hesitated, how could describe his ideal type without describing the boy sat opposite him who is his long time crush.

" someone who's funny,  kind, taller than me but it's not necessary, doesn't have to be smart but is understanding and respectful and just overall makes me smile" Haechan finished listing his type with a small smile on his face.

" I know someone whose like that" Jeno shouted looking directly at Mark * HiNt hInT*

"Huh? Do I know them?" Mark asked Jeno looking confused.

"Yes, very well but he doesn't know" Jaemin smiled whilst playing with Jisung's hands.

"Do you want me to tell them Haechan likes him? What's her name?" Mark offered looking back at Jeno. The younger was sure he saw Chenle want to throw a brick at Mark, Yes Haechan said his ideal type didn't have to be smart but that didnt mean Mark could be a dumbass.

"Her? Have you forgotten I'm like the no.1 Gay here?" Haechan laughed and Jeno reached over Chenle to high five him. As Mark looked at the sight, he couldnt help but frown slightly.

"So, you like boys like a lot?" Mark looked over at Haechan with a soft smile but soon morphes into concern when the younger hesistates.

"Mark's definitely not going to like me back, heck, he might not even want to associate with me" Haechan thought to himself

"Yes, I do. I have 0 to no interest in girls" He announced proudly whilst  Jeno held his hand for support as he could tell Haechan was afraid of what Mark might think of him.

Mark saw Jeno lean over to hold Haechan's hand over Chenle and couldn't help but have a wierd feeling in his stomach, it wasnt that he was disgusted looking at them hold hands but he couldn't tell how he felt.

"(Regular) Huh? having 0 interest in girl and no interest is the same thing?" Jisung whispered in his boyfriend's ear which just resulted in Jaemin giggling at his dumbness and a squish on the cheek.

Chenle smirked at Mark's expression as he's the only one who saw the change in face. "Okayyyyy so last but not least, Mark!"

Mark quickly changed his frown to a smile as everyone began to look at him for his turn.

"Truth or dare?"

"Hmm...I'll go with truth" Mark replied thoughtfully, it can't be THAT bad to spill a little truth?

"Okay, so Mark d-


"Chenle, shut up, Jeno is trying to ask Mark a question" Jaemin scolded the younger whilsy hitting him on the head.

"Owww" Chenle pouted.

Jeno continued his question whilst everyone loomed at each other with wide eyes.

"Mark, do you like anyone and if so, who?"

Everyone looked between Jeno, Haechan and Mark as they waited for the older's answer.

"Well... apparently there is this girl in your grade (senior) that likes me-"

"Omg is it that Seulgi BIT-"

"Chenle" Jisung nudged his friend to shut him up. (idek who's sitting by who anymore lol)

"Kang Seulgi? Yeah it's her" Mark confirmed nodding his head at Chenle.

"But do you like her?" Jeno pressed, he needed to know this information and a certain someone looked too shocked to reply with anything sassy.

"Uh, well kind of-"

"Excuse me, I need to go to the toilet" the light brown haired boy stood up and made his way out of the room unknownst to him that all his friends, including Mark, was looking up at him in concern.

"Is he okay Nana?" Jisung whispered to his boyfriend looking at Jaemin's worried face. "I really don't know Sungie"

Well of course it'd be true, Haechan thought to himself as he locked himself inside Jeno's bathroom. He's the complete opposite of me, he's popular, older and too handsome for me. "Ohhh" Haechan laughed sadly to himself, "and he likes girls"

Meanwhile to change the mood as everyone was a little tense after worrying about their friend, Jeno spoke up "so... as its getting late, what movie do you guys want to watch?"

"Ooh i want to watch Froz-"

"NO", all the boys said in unison.

"Wow, thanks for hurting my feelings gays" Chenle pouted for the millionth time that evening.

"Can we watch the nightmare before christmas?" Jisung suggested but as soon as the suggestion was made, Jaemin immediately clung onto him arm whining "Sungie no, you know that movie scares me", "but it means we can cuddle", "but I prefer to cuddle you when I'm not scared"

"What's Haechan's favourite Christmas movie?" Mark spoke up, effectively shutting up the Jaesung couples mini argument and they turned their heads to look at him.

"Arthur Christmas" Jeno replied without a second of hesitation and Mark would never say out loud but he was jealous about how well Jeno knew the boy.

"We should watch that then, when he comes back"

"MARKEUU thats a great ideaaaa" Chenle shouted as he went to raid Jeno's shelf full of cds/dvds to find the movie.

"So what did I miss?" Haechan said as he walked back into the room, his eyes a little puffy.

"We were just discussing what movie to watch, and we decided Arthur Christmas as it's your favourite" Jaemin answered him with a wide smile which Haechan couldn't help but smile back at his friend's attempt to cheer him up.

Haechan walked over to Jeno as Chenle put the DVD into the flat screen TV which hung on the wall. Jaemin and Jisung cuddled up to each other on one side of the sofa with Chenle leaning again the armrest on the opposite side, Mark sat on an individual one and Jeno pulled Haechan into his embrace and asked if his best friend was okay, getting a nod in response, as they platonically cuddled on the other 3 seater sofa.


I tried to make this update Christmassy by adding the movies at the end but that meant like skipping a whole period of like 4 months (them starting school in september-december) so dont mind me if i end up jumping back and forth between time 😂😂

Please upvote and comment if you enjoyed, I like reading the comments 😊

I'm sorry, it will take a while until Renjun comes into the story but I promise, you'll love it when he does make his appereance so please keep waiting!

I might disappear for a while as I'm really busy with college work atm but I'll do my best to update! :P

Until next time, have a good christmas (those who celebrate)
~Glittersparklerenjun :)

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