Chapter one vacation

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"Hey Plumeria, time to go we're going to be late for our college graduation!" Says Mikea. Okay, I'm coming, don't rush me it's hard enough to be out of the house. Mikea Thompson is your bff since you were in first grade until twelveth grade. She wears a pink skirt with a light pink blouse and dirty blonde hair color. She thrives for the Barbie look ever since she was six. On the other hand, mine wasn't so special at all. I wore a green plaid shirt with denim jeans, a floral necklace, and earrings.  Mikea's shoes are heels of course and mine well... I love to wear boots to show that I'm a tomgirl or a rebel girl.  As we headed out the door, I turned around and visioned all the amazing dorm room that we had. Our school is in California University home of the otters. Blue and yellow logo which was interesting, which was why I liked it so much. But I marveled at my dorm for the last time. (Fifteen years later) 

Mikea: "Plumeria!" She screamed as my bff tries to awaken my beauty dreams. Come on! Let's get going, we don't have centuries to be here.

Plumeria: nng, what?! "Don't you know it's about 5 o' clock in the morning Mikea? Do I need to sleep off the partying that we did yesterday?"

Mikea: um no, we need to get up because we need to be at the airport at  6: oo a.m.

Plumeria: What?! It's 5:30 a.m. Thank you Ms. Reminder of the day, I feel like the bricks attacked me at night.

I woke up, and hurried down the stairs to our home and got fastly ready for the new day. Showering, brushing, and oh yeah did I mention washing my hair. I wore my early and ready outfit for Hawaii or better known as Havvie. My outfit consists of the black floral crop top with holes for design,  the capri pants that also floral.  Also, I did forget to mention this part, I've been pretending to be lazy so Mikea doesn't know I've packed my whole outfits and dresses.

It's weird, right? Little Ms. goody-good two shoes my friend Mikea, wanted me to try and act like a feminine person for once on this trip, I said t her was: "well, good luck with that." But she decided that I needed to lighten up for a week, and not to ruin the trip of my life she doesn't want to me at all thinking about my job. Do you guys wanna hear my job? Of course, you do, I live for my talented life since I was a little girl was all about artsy and music-themed based.  I enjoy fulfilling the dreams to do water-paint works, ballet, jazz, and tap. Then my voice sounds like an angelic chorus, maybe joining Youtube animations for my lovely artwork. And lastly, since I am an animal lover, I work at a normal veterinarian clinic back in Silverdale, WA. Yup, living the dream.

What's Mikea's job anyways? To be clear it's easy to answer since she was little, she too loves ballet, fashion, and dramatic arts. I joined drama arts too just for good grades. Both Mikea and I were known as "The gifted popular girls" AKA TGPG for short. We both get good grades since elementary, high school, and yes even college we get good grades. Before we left California University, Mikea recently broke up with his former boyfriend. But I call him "The cheating weasel of the Jerk king." His name was of cunning and stupid it's Merrick Deyers. Not only has he been cheating for a week, but lying to my best friend in her face. The popular tramp Yasmine Gigi Hakim was the worst person ever to live in a perfection little drama world. GAW! I hated her so much, but ha-ha she was cursed with one thing: KARMA! You heard me K-A-R-M-A. She not only ruined her chance in a scholarship, but she also was disowned by her parents. Yasmine is pregnant, and now she graduated and now a single parent. Yasmine's background ethics is Israel and India.  Her older sister Yama, she distantly stopped talking to her elder sister. Due to the consequence, Yama wanted nothing to do with her. Like I said before to Yama to warn her elder sister: "Karma is biting like a venomous snake, and she'll be paying for it"! 

Mikea wore this pink floral dress, she's a girly girl as I mentioned in the begging of my story. With her hot pink sandals, sunglasses, and even her watch became a pink-alcoholic barbie. Her summer blonde made the sun sparkle, my hair is jet black and glows in the sun as well. 

Plumeria: "cmon', we need to get going, because I want to make it in time for the news and I've charged my phone. Brought all the necessities for this trip." Hurry up Mikea. By the way, my stuff is in a green/teal suitcase rolling wheels. What's in my bag? Well: I brought my limited edition on white Alola vulpix, 2 novel books, 3 pairs of capri pants,  shirts but it's summer wear, shoes, socks, and fun gaming console with games. 

Mikea: Okay, coming Plumeria. I hope this is enough stuff for the trip; However, we cannot leave our pets alone in the middle of June. How good of us pet parents suppose to be responsible for them?

Although she was right, I didn't ever think of what will happen to our two precious female dogs at home?

Let me introduce my pet and Mikea's pet 

Cloey the Papillon, she loves to be pampered like a queen and eats anything premium dog food and water. I am shocked in this whole situation on what she's doing to her dog? Cloey hates being picked up unless you let her sniff you, then it's okay. Wears and matches Mike's outfits but it has to be the same or the owner will know otherwise.

Mine is a German shepherd Peony, she is tough, friendly, kind, generous, and very playful. She's not like any other smart intelligence dogs I've seen. As a teen, I enjoyed her company. As we both grew so did our friendship. There is one thing though, she hates human food, doesn't allow any male dogs to touch her, because she hates the attention she gets. She used to love daimon the German shepherd who reproduce my peony to having puppies. There wasn't anything I could do once daimon's owners found out, they weren't angry but ashamed though. Both of our girl dogs are adults, and now they are netured.

As we went to Miss Nelson's house, she opened the door. She was in her 50's, she is kind like a thousand roses with no thorns. As we chatted and asked her to take our of pets, she replied to "Yes, of course, I'll take care." Note this: She is already planned ahead with premium and regular dog food. Water for both of our dogs is plain. They didn't care about it.

So, with our luggage in the taxi, and our purses with money it was going to be easy to shop in Honolulu, HII. Let the trip begin.

End of Chapter One. :) 

Don't worry Chapter two will be coming soon.

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