Chapter 3

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     I felt like I was continuously growing anxious. Jahseh got someone pregnant. She was at the barbecue, talking to some of his cousins.

I gulped. She's so lucky to be carrying his child.. So lucky. She's beautiful. She had wavy hair and her pale skin glowed underneath the sun.

I felt a pang of jealously go through me. I quickly swallowed it however and approached her. "Hi, I'm Willow. Congratulations." I said, smiling. She immediately embraced me. "Jahseh's told me about you." She said, returning my smile.

"It's nice to finally meet you, I'm Jenesis." She let go of the embrace and looked me in the eye. "Why don't we go somewhere and talk?" She suggested and I agreed.

"Willow, don't say anything stupid to my girlfriend aka baby mama please." Again, Jah's voice said. My heart began to race. I was looking right at him. Jah. X. Tears began to slip from my eyes as I couldn't form any words.

He had his hair in his 2 braids. He wore his house shoes and a pair of baggy black pants with a white T-shirts. So handsome.. He's so fucking—

"Are you okay?" Jenesis spoke, putting her hand on my shoulder with a concerned expression. As soon as she did that he disappeared. "I'm fine. It's just pretty emotional.. Being here." I said, taking a deep breath.

I couldn't help but feel some anger. If she wouldn't have spoken to me he would've never disappeared. "I get it.. Come with me love."

I nodded and I followed her inside into the living room, and we both sat down on a black leather couch.

"Jah told me so much about you. You meant a lot to him." She said, her eyes glistening with oncoming tears. She paused and closed her eyes for a moment before continuing.

"I want you to be the baby's god mother." She said and I froze. Was this really happening?? "Say yes stupid." Jah's voice bellowed in my head. I took a deep breath.

"Of course— oh my god, it's an honor." I choked out in disbelief. She grinned. "Alright so let's get to know each other more, huh?" I nodded. And so we sat there, laughed, cried, and got to know each other.


I sat on my couch, munching on some chips while watching Netflix. Jahseh sat next to me, his legs propped up on the tiny table in front of the couch. I ignored him.

Whatever was happening was obviously a part of my imagination or something. A way I might be dealing with the grief maybe. "So you're not gonna say anything to me, Will? I thought you loved me."
He said, followed by a laugh. His amazing laugh of fuck.

I slowly turned my head to look at him. He was looking at me. I cry a fucking lot man. As soon as I looked at him I began sobbing uncontrollably.He gave me a sad look. "Why are you crying?" He asked. "Y-You're not real." I gasped in between my uncontrollable crying. "Yes I am." He whispered with the straightest face ever, not looking away from my eyes.

He put his hand over mine and I felt him. I felt his presence. He's here. But how? "How—" I began but then Jah cut me off. "Don't ask questions. I'm here for you." He nodded.

"Shouldn't you "be here" for your girlfriend and kid." I remarked. With that said he paused. "Only you can see me." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?" I questioned, puzzled. "Don't ask questions. Just watch the fucking movie Will." He said.

I began to get angry. "TELL ME." I demanded. Jah seemed to get angry. He stood up and faced me. He was only a couple inches taller than me so it was cute but still that wasn't something to focus on right now.

He grabbed me by my wrists tightly and I yelped, growing afraid. You're afraid of someone who's dead? Pussy. I thought to myself. "You either accept that I'm here or we can do this the hard way, Will." He said whilst tightening his grip on my wrists. I whimpered. "You're scaring me.." I whispered.

He sighed and let go. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Just please.. You're the only person who can see me. I'm here for you." He apologised, looking at the floor. I gulped. "It's okay."

"I'm here to make you kill yourself." He finally said after a moment of silence. Shocked, I looked at him. "I— excuse me?" After that he disappeared. Leaving me alone in my apartment. Alone.


Thank y'all for reading!! Shit progressed a little this chapter ❤️ tune in for the next one.

Excuse any mistakes a bitch don't proof read

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