6-The Unexpected (✓)

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Chapter 6- The Unexpected Embarrassment

<Lauren's Point of View.>

I came back from the bathroom and sat down on my chair. Darren seemed kind of fidgety. What's  gotten into him? I take my mind off of Darren and try to sqeeze the drama that has been happening into my spaceless brain. This is all so sudden for me. The photo shoot, my umbrella, and...Darren. My brain's about to explode from information overload.

I think I'm going bonkers.

Darren looks dashing in the sun that shined through the glass window. He looked like my own little Prince Charming. But, of course that only exists in fairytales. And besides, I hate him somewhere inside my heart for taking my umbrella. Ugh, that obnoxious and selfish bastardI had to mentally slap myself multiple times to remind my brain not to drool all over him. He makes me feel self-centered and shy. Then, his romantically toned voice takes me out to reality.

"Lauren? Hello, earth to Lauren?" Darren asked.

"Hmm, what? What happened?" I said. Fantastic. Now he's gonna know that I was goofing off. 

"Uh, you alright there?" Darren asked again.

This is great. He's wondering if I'm okay. He must think think I'm just another crazy girl on the block. Way to go, Umbrella girl.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine" I said in a girly voice while twiling a strand of my hair.

Whoa, dramatic pause. Why in the world did I just twirl my hair in front of him? Stupid hair! Oh, who am I kidding? My hair's not stupid. I'm the stupid one. Wow, Darren got me blaming my hair for being stupid. I'm really crazy now, aren't I? I tried hard to stop talking to myself in my head. Well, that did not turn out good in any possible ways.

"Darren, you're cute. Not that I like you but...yeah" I said in a slutty voice.


I wanted to crawl into a mouse hole and live there for the rest of my life. This was absolutely embarrassing. My face felt flushed, I was getting dizzy and looking at Darren's face only made my mind fall into the clouds. As I dozed off to unconsciousness, I remembered to tell myself one thing.

I hate him.

A.N: Well, there's another chapter of Twisted Fate! I hope you enjoyed this portion of my story!

Once again, please take the time to vote, comment or fan. I would really like for you guys to comment and give me some feedback!

I know most of you don't read the Author's Note because, I usually don't read them either. Haha.

Thank you so much for reading and tune in for the next chapter!

- Jennifer.

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