Secret Night 10

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Chapter 17

Good Byes

I went to meet him at the front desk but he wasn't there. I asked Anya but she siad that he went for a drive last night and hasn't come back. I knew she was lying I saw her memory having him come home his face not showing any emotion untill she heard him cry soft almost silent tears. I went under her arm to find him on the bed still sleeping. I figured he would be so I left the note on the pillow next to him. I left to meet him in the gardens so we could talk.

It was an hour later till he came down. I sat with my back to him my luggage at my feet and the money in my pocket. He sat down on the bench next to me. I gave him the small silver ring. He took it with a bit of hesitation. He was the one who broke the scilence.

"You siad you wanted to talk. What about there's nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is. Look I'm sorry about yesterday i've just been feeling gulity for what I'm about to do." I sighed feeling a bit better to get that off my chest.

"What are you about to do? Break up with me?" I turned to face him by then trying to control my anger when he thought I was breaking up with him.

"No I don't want to but if you do that would be bad for me but it's only because I have to leave. That's also why I have to talk to you. I need you to give me a ride to the airport. I'm going home to save my family." He finally saw the suitcase I had. "I have to. That's why I gave the ring back because I just know that you'll need it. Not only that I might not come back."

"What time do you leave? I have to know so that I know when to get you outta here." I knew he was trying to make a joke but there was just to much sarrow.

"In an hour I still have to buy a ticket. I'm glad we had time to sort this out. But I should be leaving soon." I got up to head off to the lobby to wiat for him.

He sugested that we went out the back an hour later. It was cloudy and showed a good chance of rian. It didn't take long to get there. He insited that he walked me inside and made sure that i got a ticket. It was rianing really hard when I got the flight. There was one leaving soon and I could make it if I didn't say good bye. But if i didn't make it there was another one coming in another hour. I saw Dimitri leave out the door. I stood there wiating for her to print the ticket that would get me on either flight.

"Can you watch my stuff there's something i have to take care of." With that I ran to the door after him. I ran all the way to his car. I ran straight to him and when I was close enogh I jumped up and kissed him right then and there. He was surprised at first but melted in to it. By the time we stopped we were both soked from the rian. I handed him the envolope of left over money. "It might not be much but it's enough to buy the tickets and do some construction on the resturant. Just promise me that if you chose Forks to come visit me."

"I will and here I want you to keep this." He had the ring. He placed it in the palm of my hand and closed my hand over it. "Just so you have a little something to remember me by." We kissed for the last time and I felt like there was alot of wieght lifted off my shoulders. We finally parted our seperate ways. I collected my things and went to go and wiat for the next plane. The lady that helped me was upset that she didn't have a boyfriend like that. I was really tired by the time I got on the plane. I fell asleep and had another dream vist by Jacob.

"What do you want now to tell me the bond will never be broken because I'll never see him agian." He had a smile across his face telling me that i had gotten it wrong.

"I have some good news. The bond is broken because you showed your love and devotion for him."

"How? I always had. All I did was give him the rest of the money I had except for $50 for a cab. "

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