#3 Will

10 2 0

December 2018

The cold breeze rushes,

People scurry away like mice

And I move along.


Why should I?

The lights go off,

One by one.

Legs keep moving,

Front and back.

One step, two step,

Inching forward.

Tick, tock

And nothing more,

Deafening the mind.

Ink black,

Inside and out.

Why not?

Why ever not?

Light returns,

Lighting the whole.

Legs run,

Hither and thither.

One skip, two skip,

Barge outside.

The chirp of birds,

The rustle of leaves,

Honey to the ears.

Feel that heat on your skin.

Let it soak,

Inside and out.

Let it feed your will,

To face the dark.


A brief background about inspiration to write this. Every one faces difficult times. I had them too, when everything felt bleak and sad. Kept questioning why, why, why? It was I had to get through but it was difficult and whenever it got too much to face, I would just go off alone. Walking, kept walking, looked all around and just breathing in that fresh air. Looking back, that really helped clear my mind to face the day ahead tomorrow. So I hope it helps you too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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