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Victoria stayed limp on Jazz's hold, breathing deeply as the saboteur didn't say a word and just carry her on his servos.

Jazz observed the woman, seeing no injuries nor any scratches; what he only saw was two holes behind her suit and dirtied clothes. He took a digit and gently moved the stray hair that covered her face, tilting his helm with his curiosity getting the better of him as he softly touched her fluffy cheeks. He smiled, it was soft.

"Mhm." Victoria snuggled further on his servos, opening one eye as she dazedly looked around—the saboteur following her movements with growing wonder as he smiled throughout of it; she looked up at him and sleepily ordered on a soft demanding tone, "cold. Hand."

Jazz silently complied, taking his other servo and putting it above her as he made a small kind of tent around her—peeking on the small hole that he made. He shook his helm in amusement and smiled. She's ruining her own image by acting adorably.

Ironhide walked past by, backtracking as he confusingly looked at Jazz's servos, "what's wrong with your servos?"

"Ah doll is sleepin'." Slightly opening his palm as Victoria shivered from the sudden gust of the wind, she folded herself much further into a ball; Ironhide looking at her and snorting.

"Such bravery."

"Ah know."

Landon and Brandon looked at each other, searching for Victoria through the crowd. They let out a troubled noise as they looked for the aerialbots next. With how much she used her powers and drained herself, she should be sleeping right now. And by sleeping, she should be either in their arms or in the Flyer's arms.

Similarly like them, the aerialbots were also finding Victoria. Their optics widening when their paths crossed with the twins—that didn't have Victoria in their hands.

"Where's Victoria?"

But before they could further ponder on where she is. The sound of their cargo planes descended, the panel slowly coming undone as soldiers boarded in and the cybertronians boarded in to the other cargo plane.

Fireflight vigilantly searched for the witch, becoming confuse when he saw Jazz's servos. With inquisitively motions, he walked to him and stood in front of him as he tilted his helm, "whatcha got there?"

"A doll. Wanna see?"

The flyer nodded, optics widening as he saw the witch they were looking for; curled up in his servos and all snuggly. The part that they dreaded as Victoria tried so hard to keep her image.

Jazz grinned once he saw his horrified but relief expression. Knew it, she was keeping an image. "Don't worry, bot. I'll keep it under wraps."

On the other side, whenever Victoria ended up in that state. The twins are in charge of everything; meaning to say, disbanding the Sector Seven—supposedly, but they would gave them one more chance. Just one chance. Continuing, counting the deaths which they have already confirmed that no one died, and talking to the higher ups regarding of creating a new organisation—they'll leave that particular duty to their ever so capable CEO.

Victoria shivered once again, feeling the absence of the heat spread through her body as her mana recovered by half; suddenly feeling a warm heat, she sleepily moved closer to it, hearing it softly thrum that lulled her to sleep deeper than before.

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