The Sound of Wind

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"His pulse is three eighty," Clarke said as Jasper moaned again.

He looked terrible, sweaty and pale, not to mention the moaning that was driving Scythe absolutely insane. She was used to a quiet cell where the only stimulation she had was braiding her hair. Now, there was so much to do and see, but she missed the quiet.

She'd been hurt badly before as well but she was sure she had never moaned as much as Jasper did.

He was driving her crazy.

Scythe wasn't the only one with the sentiment, however the campers lacked her restraint and she had already had to threaten a few of them. Truth was though, she couldn't threaten the entire camp.

Clarke touched Jasper's forehead, "Don't listen to them. You're going to make it through this, okay? Promise."

"Can't he just die already?" One of the campers yelled.

Octavia tensed next to her and Scythe put a hand on her shoulder, quietly warning, "Don't do anything stupid, Tav."

Clarke got up, "I'm gonna get clean water. Keep an eye on him."

Good. Abby's daughter looked like she needed a breather. It was a well deserved one too- she hadn't left Jasper's side since they had dragged him back.

Octavia and Scythe were left alone in an awkward silence. Octavia was used to Scythe's silence and usually busied herself by filling it with every vulgar story or word possible until Scythe reluctantly let out a laugh and a smile. They never really had to worry about awkward silences before. So why was Octavia sneaking secret glances at her?

Her friend wrung her hands together and snuck glances at Scythe until she bit, "What?"

Octavia bit her lip, "What did you do to end up in the Skybox?"

That... was not what she was expecting.

Scythe froze and Octavia rushed to explain, "It's just, you never told me in our cell and I was dying to know. Now that we're down on the ground I thought that... you could tell me?"

The heart inside of Scythe that had seemed dead before stilled more and broke in half, "Octavia-"

"Please Scythe," she begged, "we're best friends, don't you trust me?"

It wasn't a matter of trust. It was a matter of protection. Scythe wasn't stupid- she knew the Ark would eventually find their way to the ground. This freedom was borrowed time, so she couldn't let her guard down.

Scythe raised her scarred wrists so Octavia could see, "There are bad people on the Ark, Tav. Worse than you've seen, worse than you can imagine. When they come down you cannot know anything or they will kill you. Do you understand?"

She had to protect her best friend.

Octavia's mouth pressed together in fear, but her voice was worried, "Won't they kill you too?"

She looked at Octavia with strength in her eyes, "I am their scythe. They won't kill me, they need me."

She had to remind her friend that 'Scythe' was not her name. It was her title. One that she had deserved. One that she had fought for however reluctantly.

Octavia touched her arm, "Look, whatever you did, I'm still going to stand by you. It's time to move on. You're my friend and I'm not letting anyone use you."

The girl was fierce. She absolutely believed what she was saying and she was used to being able to persuade people into acknowledging they had emotions they weren't necessarily feeling. It was why she was so good at flirting.

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