12. I Have Loved You Since We Were 17

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"Dad!!" Alexis screamed when a snowball hit her face.

"If you built up your fort like I told you, that wouldn't happen!" Louis yelled back as he laughed to himself.

All the kids were running around in the snow trying to get away from the snowballs that were constantly being thrown.

Louis felt a snowball hit his face and he gasped at the sudden cold. When he looked up to see who threw it he saw Hayden with his mouth slightly open and eyes wide.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry sir!" Hayden rushed out quickly.

Louis stared at him before smiling to himself and taking off towards Hayden and lunging at him, making the younger boy fall to the ground.

Hayden let out a yelp and laugh as Louis started to playfully shove snow on Hayden's face as he sat on top of him.

A moment later Louis felt a force knock into him and he hit the cold snow, and the kids started laughing. Louis looked up to see Cody on him, smiling as he pinned his dad to the ground.

Louis started laughing as he grabbed Cody's arms and swung his body so he was on top of Cody. Just when he was about to do what he did to Hayden Louis heard a wailing cry and immediately got off Cody.

Louis looked up to see Rory crying and Hayden rushing over to him, wiping off his face as he had a lot of snow on it and picking him up.

Louis walked over to him quickly and looked at Rory.

"What happened big guy?" Louis asked as Rory tucked his head into Hayden's neck.

"Cam throw snow, a-and it hit my face." Rory cried out.

Louis looked at Rory one more time before looking for Cameron. He was standing a bit behind Hayden, and Louis walked over to him and knelt down so they were almost the same height.

"Cam, that wasn't very nice. Why did you do that?" Louis asked.

"You did it to Al." Cameron said quietly.

Louis mentally cursed himself. "Well you know sometimes I do things I shouldn't and I shouldn't have thrown a snowball at her face."

"I'm sorry daddy." Cameron said, clearly upset.

"It's not me you need to apologize to buddy." Louis said softly.

Cameron walked over to Hayden where Rory was still in his arms and pulled on his brother's leg to get his attention. "I'm sorry Rory."

Rory just looked at him and nodded before laying his head on Hayden's shoulder as more tears fell from his eyes.

"Here, buddy let's go inside." Louis said stretching his arms out.

Rory nodded and climbed into Louis arms.

"Harry!" Louis yelled as he carried a quietly crying Rory from outside.

"What?" Harry asked walking into the foyer. "Oh, what happened to my baby boy?" Harry asked as he reached for a sniffling and cold Rory.

Rory went into Harry's arms and Harry took his winter hat and gloves off. Rory's face was red from crying and from the cold but when Harry unzipped his coat snow had come out of it.

"Cam threw a snowball in his face. Rory really wasn't a fan." Louis explained

"Did you talk to Cameron and make him apologize?" Harry asked as he took off the rest of Rory's winter clothes.

"Yeah, he felt really bad. I wouldn't be surprised if he came in here to see how Rory is doing."

"Alright. I'm going to make you guys some hot chocolate. You've been out there for almost two hours so I think it's time to come in." Harry said as he gathered Rory's wet snow gear.

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