My Dream House - 54

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My dream house

Since it has never been built,

Is a constantly shiftings structure.

Sometimes, It's up in a tree.

Other times, it's underground.

Sometimes it has many stories,

Sometimes only one.

The front door comes in many shapes and sizes

The rooms don't stay in place for long.

The windows change size

Their glass is often replaced

The front gate never looks the same

Sometimes there is no front gate at all.

The yard shrinks and grows

Sometimes a wild forest,

Other times well groomed.

And don't even get me started on my bedroom!

Sometimes you can't see the walls

There are so many books

My bed is never the same size

And has gone through several types of canopies.

One thing about the house never changes;

Every room has at least one bookshelf

My artwork hangs on the walls.

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