She Sees Something - 25

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She sees something

No one else does

At first, when young

She thought she was seeing

What everyone else was.

And her parents thought

She was too young

To know the difference

Between real and pretend.

She sees something

No one else does.

She draws it

In journals, on papers,

If there's a blank space

She fills it up.

Her drawings are vivid.


Too skilled, too young

To be coincidental.

She knows so

No one else does

She sees something

No one else does

No one else believes

They all tease

Thinking she

Just has trouble

Letting go

Of childhood.

The wise, though

They know

She is no fool

She is wiser than most.

She sees something

No one else does

She tries to hide it

So no one makes fun

She can't contain it

It all pours out

A pouring rush flood

On all the white spaces

She fills them up.

She sees something

No one else does

She sees seraphs

Angels and doves

No one knows, though

What they are,

They look so different

From what we think they are.

The thing she sees

That gives people pause

Is one face.

Two eyes.

One mouth.

One nose.

Almost photographic

Except for this fact:

Not one can be found

That has that face.

She sees something

No one else does

The wise believe it

The wise have heard it

In the text they read

Every Sunday,

If not more.

The wise, they know

The precocity shown

Is not coincidental

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