Tears filled my eyes and I went to scream for help, but before a sound could be let out Emilio was yanked off of me. My eyes widened as my hand immediately went to my throat. I watched as Emmett jumped to his feet, snarling at the red eyed vampire who was slowly returning to his feet as well.

"I'll kill you for touching my mate," Emmett growled. I shivered at the sound. A part of me wanted to cower away and hide in fear, but another part found itself being turned on by the sound. Alejandro smirked at Emmett as he tilted his head slightly.

"A golden eyed vampire. I've heard of you. An abomination to our kind. Killing you and your human will bring me great pleasure and I may even be rewarded by the Volturi," Alejandro grinned slyly.

"You won't have the chance to touch either of us," Emmett snarled before he launched himself at Alejandro.

I tried to turn my head but groaned when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I lifted my hand to touch my neck and felt a warm wet liquid on it. I pulled my hand away to look at it and I frowned deeply at the sight.

I let out a whimper, which caused Emmett to stop fighting Alejandro and look at me. I met his eyes just as they narrowed on the blood on my hand. His eyes turned pitch black, and he lifted his lip in a snarl.

He moved towards me, but before he could get to me Alejandro had tackled Emmett and slammed him into a set of lockers leaving a decent sized Emmett dent in it. He grabbed Emmett's arm and teared it off with ease.

"No!" I went to stand up, but before I could far someone's hands were on my shoulders and pushing me down.

"You can't! Stay down," Rosalie's familiar voice snarled at me, pushing me back against the lockers. I looked to see my blonde sister staring down at me, eyes narrowed.

"But Emmett-,"

"Is getting help as we speak," Rosalie said and motioned behind her. I had noticed Marshall was now fighting with Alejandro and Edward was helping Emmett.

Alejandro seemed to have the upper hand against Marshall. It was like he knew his moves before he even did. He was also fast and strong. My eyes widened when Marshall was flung across the room, Rosalie let out a low growl beside me.

I whimpered as I tried to move my head to look at Rosalie and Rosalie let out another snarl, this time at the sight of how much blood was currently leaking from one side of my neck.

"Edward, he's losing a lot of blood we need Carlisle," Rosalie spoke, I could tell she was trying to remain calm for my sake and I couldn't thank her enough for it. Emmett was at my side in an instant, his arm newly attached.

"I'm going to get you out of here," Emmett said gruffly, his arms went under my legs and around my waist and he lifted me with ease. He raced towards the door with Rosalie at his side, but before we could get far, Rosalie was knocked away from us and Emmett was slammed into from behind.

Emmett's arms came from around me and I grunted as I landed on the ground and slid across the floor until my back slammed into a wall. I turned my head slowly to see Alejandro approaching Emmett slowly. Emmett was lying on the ground, barely moving. I felt utter fear for my mate in that instant.


"I'll enjoy killing all of you," Alejandro growled, "First your coven mates, then I will leave you alive while you watch me kill your human then finally I'll kill you. You will die by my hand."

"You won't touch him," Emmett growled as he slowly pushed himself up to his feet. Alejandro ran at Emmett and grabbed Emmett's shirt.

"Watch me," Alejandro smirked, he launched my vampire far across the room. Emmett slammed into the wall, leaving a dent in it as he dropped to the ground. Alejandro was at my side in a flash. My eyes widened as Alejandro now had my head in his hand, tilting it so my neck was exposed to him.

"Get away from him!" Emmett growled and I saw Alejandro leaning it. I felt cool lips against my neck. I figured this was my end. I was going to die by a vampire's hand. I looked at Emmett, who was trying to compose himself.

"I love you," I whispered, knowing my vampire would hear me. Alejandro began to move towards my neck quicker, but before his teeth could sick into the skin he was yanked off of me.

I watched with wide eyes as Emmett held Alejandro down on the ground. His hands grabbing at his chin and the top of his head and slowly tearing. I could hear the sound of cracking as Emmett tore Alejandro's head off of his body.

"Marshall, Edward! Start a fire!" Rosalie shouted as she raced to help her brother tear Alejandro apart. She grabbed Emmett's arm and looked at him, "Go. Ezra needs you. We'll finish up here."

Emmett looked at his sister silently before moving towards me quickly. He bent down in front of me and quickly lifted me up into his arms, his face looked pain and I feared my blood was too much for him, but he didn't say anything and he didn't loosen his grip on me.

"I've got you, Angel Eyes," Emmett said gruffly, "I've got you and I'm never letting you go again," Emmett promised me, he kissed the top of my head and I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of my boyfriend's cool lips against my head.

When I tried to open my eyes, they suddenly felt heavy and soon all I saw was darkness and the last thing I heard was Emmett saying, "I love you."

Changes {Emmett Cullen} Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora