Vampire Red :[Book Two- Hell's gate.]

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As we moved on past the scray half-eaten man at the counter, Kale whispered,

"What was that? Do you know what sageean's Lock is?!" He yelled.

I flinched and shook my head.

"Sagean's Lock is-" He was cut of as a loud pericing scream echoed around the entire city.

I shook and crushed into Kale who wrapped his arms around my body.

"It's where Satan is Kept. Or should i say, Locked."

I gulped.

"C'mon cant stay here. Forst we have to enter the city."

Kale pulled me toward one of the smalll metal boats that were bobbing up and down.

"Ladies first?" He said helping me down onto the wooden seats. the boat swayed amd then stilled as Kale tapped the side of it and it suddenly set off.

For the first time since i had been inside this crazy place.

The entrance and been rock like formed inside.

Form side to side was black water. It opend up into what looked like, well feilds.

but we were edging closer to the cirty part.

Giant skyscrapers covered my veiw from left to right. It was literally a tiwilight city with a never rising sun.

I turned round to see the Ornage glow just waver.

The boat came to a stop at the edge of a bay.

Vampire Red :[Book Two & Three.]Where stories live. Discover now