Chapter Forty

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Jake's POV
I woke up in pain and without Erika beside me I went into the bathroom and took my pills and a extra pain killer because my chest hurts, I change and put on joggers and my uncles sweater and go downstairs and check the time and it says 7:45am I'm looking for Erika or dan I'm just wondering where they are then I see a note on the counter saying

Dear Jake,

Erika and I had to go to New York on a short notice because her mother has a big event even though she never wanted to see us again she still Invitied us to go we would of told you last night but you were asleep so we just headed out sorry again but I left you $200 for you to spend and we don't know when we will be coming home


Out of no where I just started crying I wanted Erika to be here with me while I'm in pain I wanted to be cuddled and loved but she's gone so I calm myself down and head upstairs and finish all my homework and I come down 2 hours later my chest was still hurting like a bitch so I grabbed some ice and layers on the couch with it on me while I played on my phone, Anthony and Kade kept asking and telling e to come over but I kept rejecting them I felt so empty inside and worthless like I don't belong here I don't know why I felt like this all the sudden but I did I walked upstairs and I got he bathroom and looked at myself I and bags under my eyes and my face is bruised from jc and my eyes are red and puffy from crying I look over and seen razors I stopped cutting for months ever since Erika came into my life but I feel like I needed to do it again


I grabbed the razor and popped the blade out of it and took off all of my clothes and hopped into the shower and let the warm water run down my body I put the blade up to my arm and I was about to cut but I remembered Erika could see my arm so I picked a spot where she wouldn't notice as much with is right where the elastic to my boxers go I put the blade there and push down and pull the blade across my skin I watched as red liquid started pouring from the cut I missed this it made me feel calm and happy I put the blade back down and sliced again as more and more blood poured out of the cut I did the same thing about 4 more times so I had 6 cuts in total I put the blade away and washed up and bandaged my cuts and put more joggers on and my uncles sweater again


I walked downstairs feeling happy and much better I grabbed the $200 and walked outside and went on a walk I don't know why they always give me so much money because I give mot of it to the poor and people who need it, I ended up walking To a corner store and bought myself a bag of chips and some pop/Soda (idk what you guys lie to call it) and some candy because I just felt like it I will burn off the food once I can workout again I payed and it all came to $15 so I had $185 left to give away I walked more into the city with my bag of stuff and and I couldn't find anyone so I walked tot he same grocery store I did last time and saw the same guy there as last time that I gave some money to on thanksgiving so I walked up to him and crouched down I honestly felt bad for the guy it's getting way colder now that's it's November
J-hey man
Hm=Homeless man
J-aren't you ever cold
Hm-yea a lot but I do what I can to keep warm
J-hm I see well here's some money *hands him the $185*
Hm-I remember you from last time you gave me 100 dollars why do you keep giving me money
J-because I believe no one should starve I lived a horrible life and I know what your going through kinda when I was a kid my parents kicked me out for 5 months with out anything I was only 8 at the time and no one was nice enough to stop or give a little bit of money not even a couple cents so I starved for basically that whole time but I didn't die because every once and a while another homeless man would get enough money to buy food and he would come share it with me, so that's why I give so much
Hm-wow I'm sorry buddy and thank you so much
J-it's ok and of course but I will be back soon I have something else to give you
Hm-you really don't have to
J-it's alright I will be back in like 15 minutes

It feels good to make people smile, I grabbed my bag of food I bought and ran home as fast as I could I got there in like six minutes I threw the bag of stuff onto the couch and ran upstairs and into mine and Erika room, since I have been getting stronger and more buff a lot of my old clothes don't fit me anymore and the guy there seemed a lot smaller than me so I threw some warm and fluffy old clothing into a bag and ran downstairs and grabbed a blanket, I'm sure dan won't notice, then I put it in t bag and run back tot he grocery store and see hi mstill sitting there but this time with some food I smile and run up to him he sees me and smiles
J-*out of breath* ok I'm back
Hm-damn your fast
J-*laughs* anyway here I got you some old clothing of mine so you won't freeze I'm pretty sure they will fit you and I got you and nice blanket so you won't freeze
Hm-omg thank you so much
J- of course
Hm-may I ask what your name is
J-my names jake
Hm-nice name
J-what's yours
J-nice name bill
J-well I better get going, I will see you around and stay warm
B-thanks Jake

And with that I ran home right as I got there I plopped down on the couch and turned on Netflix and wrapped up into a blanket and at the food I bought and ended up falling asleep

1206 words

A.N: hey guys this chapter was basically something I just put together I hope you like but I feel like it was stupid, anyway don't forget to vote and comment for more❤️

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