If Not a Survivor

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Scythe loved the wind.

She closed her tired eyes as the cool air brushed around her, gently gliding through the strands of hair that had fallen out of her perfect braid. The breeze painted its way through her lungs, the fresh air leaving cooling strokes of peace behind. Her lungs rejoiced.

She didn't have wind in her cell. The air was so stuffy and warm and it only served to suffocate her. It was always either too hot or too cold and the heavy air was stale and at its worst, hard to breathe. Why waste precious oxygen on a girl dubbed a weapon?

She didn't even think she was human anymore.

"You sleeping over there?" A gruff voice demanded.

Scythe knew it was Bellamy without even opening her eyes.

She answered his unspoken question after a moment of contemplating, "Close your eyes," Scythe didn't bother to check if he had obeyed. She asked quietly, "Can you almost feel yourself forget?"

It was not said for his benefit. It had been too long since she was able to share her feelings through words and Scythe didn't care if he answered or not. If she talked in her cell it floated through empty air to collide with a wall.  Even worse was when the lonely sound would echo back to her. It felt good now to have someone hear her- to remind her that she was real.

She looked around and saw Clarke Griffin bent over a yellowed piece of crinkled paper. Abby flashed through her mind, concern for the mother separated from her daughter leaving an unpleasant feeling in Scythe's chest. They did not look alike, but Clarke radiated Abby's mannerisms.

Scythe forced the thoughts away and when she looked back, she did a double take.

Who was that next to her?

Was that...? Was that Wells Jaha, the chancellor's son? What the hell was he doing among prisoners? She knew the Ark was ruthless, but the chancellor honestly sent his own son down to die?

Scythe strode over to them, crossing her arms over her chest, "What's happening?"

She didn't like being left in the dark and from the way Jaha Jr. and Abby's daughter were regarding that piece of paper with near reverence, it seemed to be important. This was her chance to regain a little bit of control.

Clarke jumped at the sudden noise and took in Scythe with one look, "Who are you?"

"Scythe," she answered, her voice sharp, "What is going on?"

Wells subtly stepped in between Clarke and Scythe, clearly perceiving her as a threat. She slid her gaze deliberately to him, slowly raking it up and down with narrowed eyes and he gulped, his shoulders tensing. Scythe fought the urge to roll her eyes.

The blonde ran her fingers through her hair, clearly stressed, "Wells checked and the communication system is down. Not only that, but Mount Weather is that way," she pointed in front of them to another mountain, peaking out from the tree line.

Scythe wasn't following, "Mount Weather?"

Wells peered at her, disbelief contorting his features, "Didn't you listen to my father's message?"

She dismissed him with the raise of an eyebrow and drawled, "If he had wanted me to hear it, he wouldn't have knocked me out."

Clarke furrowed her brow, "They knocked me out and I woke up in time to hear it."

Scythe inwardly smiled at her naivety, but on the outside she stayed stoic.

When Scythe had felt that needle she wasn't expecting to wake up. She didn't think the guard that injected her was expecting her to either.

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