Comment 2: @ChloeOfGallifrey

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I pushed open the doors of the TARDIS, excitedly wanting to explore our destination. I looked outside hopefully before frowning.

"Doctor?" I called, turning back inside, "This might just be me, but I don't think we're at opening day of Disneyland. I'm not even sure if we're in California."

"What?!" The Doctor joined me at the doorway and looked outside with what seemed like utter confusion. "You're right, Chloe! We missed Disneyland by a long shot."

I poked my head out further, looking around for more. "Where are we, anyway?"

"No idea," the Doctor replied, before smiling. "Want to find out?"

I returned her smile. "Of course!" I jumped out of the TARDIS into the mysterious world, and looked back at the Doctor. As she stepped out, she took out her sonic and scanned the area.

"Well, we're definitely on Earth in some sort of cave-place," she told me, "but it shouldn't exist. There's some sort of block around it."

"A block?!" We started walking. "Do you think someone doesn't want us to be here?"

"I think that someone might not want more than that..."

I stopped walking. "More than keeping us out? I'm intrigued." I walked in a circle, trying to find any clues as to what was going on. I wasn't paying attention, but the Doctor had been looking too. I noticed when she called me over to a hole in one of the rocks. We rolled it out of the way to see a dark place looking like a room.

"Okay. Someone has definitely been in here," I mumbled, starting to look into the room.

"You're right. But I think there there are still somethings, maybe someones in here too," the Doctor replied, moving farther into the room.

I heard her stop, before I could enter the room.

"What's in there?" I asked quietly.

"People. Not quite dead but in a vegetative state," she replied. "It's hard to tell why, though, but whatever is happening to them, it's not good."

I was about to step in to try and help the Doctor figure this out, when someone picked me up. Out of instinct, I screamed."

"DOCTOR! SOMEONE GOT ME!" I tried to break free, but the grip was too tight. Soon, I heard the response.

"CHLOE?! I'M COMING OUT! TRY AND STALL!" The mysterious person seemed to hear the Doctor and broken off into a run. The rest was all a blur. The last thing I remember clearly before the blur was seeing the Doctor running to catch up, but the person turned into a sharp corner, and I banged my head on the rock as we went in.

Next thing I knew, I was in a dark room, laying down. Something inside made me not want to stand up. I felt drained. I sighed, rolling onto my back. That's when I remembered what had happened. I was separated from the Doctor. What if she had forgotten about me? She probably didn't but I was still terrified. That was when someone stepped in.

"You shouldn't be awake," the mysterious person said.

"Well, since I am, where am I and why did you take me?"

The person sighed. "Since you won't be completely sentient for long, there's no harm in telling you. You're in a group of caves, off the coast of Norway..."

"Why are we here? The Doctor-my friend-told me that there's no records of the existence of this place."

The kidnapper smiled. "That's where you come in. My boss has been doing work to manipulate energy, and we needed human energy to preserve the mental block around this place. It's been a success for five hundred years already! We just need your human energy to engineer automatonic life to do our more...gory jobs."

"Taking others' energy for to stop doing your own dirty work. You could've just said that," I pushed myself to stand, wobbly on my feet.

"We could," the kidnapper said, "but we didn't, so now that you know, we need to take from you what we need."

I made the bad decision to try and run, but I tripped, getting caught by the kidnapper. I braced myself for the worst, when I was dropped. I looked up to see the Doctor, holding her finger in the kidnapper's neck.

"Venusian Aikino," she smiled, reaching in her pocket with her other hand. She grabbed a banana and handed it to me. "This should restore your energy. Now get back to the TARDIS and don't stop until you're in."

"But what about the other people?"

"We'll get them before we go. Just get back to where you're safe."

I nodded and ran out, trusting the Doctor. At the same time, I was worried. What if she got her energy extracted? What would that do for the task here? Even when I got to the TARDIS, worried thoughts still flooded my brain. I hopefully stared at the door until it opened, and the Doctor ran in breathlessly.

I immediately hugged her and ran to her, mumbling my worries repeatedly.

"I'm okay, Chloe," she assured me, "but are you?"

"I'm terrified, but I'm okay other than that," I nodded. "They wanted energy to make life to do their violent tasks for them. That's horrible."

"I know," the Doctor replied, "I've lost your kidnapper, but we'll need to come back here to stop whoever's in charge. But first, we should get those people out of here. There's a great hospital we can get them to..."

"I could've become catatonic you think they'll get better?"

"We can only hope."

I didn't bother to force a smile. "Let's get everyone out of here, then."

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