28: "The Proxy"

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Monday, I am back at the office. I have only been gone for two weeks, but It felt like a century. I dropped my bag in my office quickly to reply to my morning emails and prepare for my morning consultations with clients. John had called ahead to let me know a few board of directors would be joining us for today's meeting, and I am yet to prepare any slides for the presentation.
Whatever life has taught me while working with John is always to be ready for late information like this; John sucks at relaying information until the ninth hour.

As I sat on my chair, Lilian, my secretary, came in with files in hand.
"Not, now Lilian. " I waved her off then turned on my computer.

" Mr Akeem asked me to give you these files for the 9 am. And I have here more information about the meeting."

You don't say?

" Thanks, Lilian, kindly drop it on my table, I will look it over before the meeting. "

" Here is the USB, the powerpoint is inside." She smiled when I raised my eyebrows at her.

" You're welcome," she said.

I took the USB from her and inserted in on my computer. The strategic planning powerpoint popped up. Every information I had in mind to include was on the slide. Lilian just saved y morning rush.

" Thanks, so much, Lilian" I walked around my desk to hug her. " You have saved my day."

" That's why am being paid." Smiles

" Let me know how to repay you before the day ends okay?" I walked back to my chair. " Any other meetings for today?"

" I sent you the schedule for the week. Sam and Sons Pharmaceutical called to reschedule an appointment for 3 pm."

"3 pm is fine by me if there isn't anything on my list."

" Okay, mam. I will give them a heads up upon your request."

" Thank you, Lilian."

" You're welcome." Lilian dropped the flies on the table as requested and left me to deal with the slides that she had prepared for me.

A soft knock on my door gave away my furrowed brow as my eyes went to the doorway.

" Yes, Lilian"

" You have a call on line three."

" Thanks, tell whoever it is to leave a message, I will call back as soon as I can" my eyes back on the screen.

" Sorry, it's urgent. He won't leave any message." My furrowed brow plastered on my face, I hastily slide my hair in place before picking the call.

" Hi, this is Anna speaking." muffled voice in the background " Hello." Another pause " Hello, Anna speaking...." The endline beeps which read that the line was cut off.

That's strange.

I replaced the phone to its attached spot on my desk.

"Lilian" I called out to my secretary from the side of my office.

" Yes, Anna"

" Did you have any conversation with line three before you sent the person my way?"

" No, he requested to speak with you."

" That's strange because there wasn't anybody from the other end of the line."

" that's strange." Lilian paced the room with a worried look; I have to say, events affect her differently than it does to me. I could read the anxiety that was starting to show on her face.

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