Tanner Academy- Chaptor 10

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Chapter 10 


hello people! 

sorry that this chapter is kinda short, i've been a little busy lately, 

hope u enjoy it!

Peace out! ;) 


Stephanie's P.O.V

The rest of the dorm and I sat on the shaggy green carpet in a circle. We whispered and giggled in the dark with only two flashlights being past around. We told scary stories and played truth-or-dare with each other into the night. I decided it was much better then just sitting around complaining, so I knew it was a good idea to get the girls together. Speaking of which, where's Cade got too...? 

"Stephanie! Your turn!" Jasmine passed the flashlight to me and we giggled when i nearly dropped it.

I raised the flashlight up to my chin so it made my face look eerie. The girls made spooky noises and I tried not to laugh. "Ok, ok! Shut up! I'm trying to tell a story here!" I giggled and they shushed. "Ok. Long, long ago there was a group of 4 girls. They were the best of friends and stuck together no matter what. And one day, they went camping in the woods and decided to explore..." 

I tried hard to keep a straight face as I got to the climax of my story. The girls were clutching at each other and some fidgeted repeatedly. But just as I was raising my arms and was about the shout, the dorm's lights flickered on. They screamed anyway. 

Everybody was silent. And then Shelly said "It's about damn time!"

Cade's P.O.V

I sat with my back against the generator, listening to the whirring of the machines as they hummed back to life. A very large part of me was screaming that it was stupid to give up any energy at all, and a very small part was congratulating me on my generosity. I scowled at that part and tried to squish it. I had wanted to keep all of my power for myself, and I had already configured new ways to receive more. But at the point of obsession I turned it away, recognising the track I was starting to go down.  


I shook my head slightly and picked myself off the cold floor. Don't get me wrong, I definitely wasn't going to turn into a saint, I just didn't want to become a life-energy craving monster again. Power was addicting, even in small amounts.  

I slipped out of Generator room and walked up a flight of stairs to ground level. I opened the door to the hallway and brightness instantly hit my vision. I angrily flicked off the switch; nobody was going to waste my power. 

As I made my way to our dorm I turned off all of the lights I met. I was nearing the dorms when I stopped. A group of people were outside our rooms and one of them was holding a large bucket. Surrounding kids dumped flashlights and candles into it and chatted excitedly. I shook my head in disbelief; I still couldn't belief how upset people can get about power shortages.  

Stephanie caught my eye and she waved, hurrying over. "Cade! Where were you? We were having a girl meeting!" 

"I was hanging out in Dez's dorm." I lied.  

She frowned. "I don't know why you don't hang with us. You're always welcome!" 

I wasn't really listening anymore. Instead, I walked to the doorway and flicked the dorm's lights off. For a few moments I stood watching people swirl around me, and then I slid to the ground and brought my knees underneath my chin.  

Very soon I heard a familiar 'thump' on the carpet floor. I looked up and Brent was picking up the large bucket full of flashlights. No one seemed to mind him, and most of them just kept out of his way. He saw me and smiled knowingly. I glared at him and turned away.  

"Cade!" Dez's voice called out from the crowd. "Cade, thankyou!" she tackled me into a hug. 

I sighed. "What are you talking about?" 

"For turning the-" 

"Ratchet figured it out. Go hug him." 

She leaned back and studied my face. "But you look-" 

"Weaker? The stress was getting to me; I had to blow off some steam." I lied again. She looked as though she didn't believe me, but let it pass. "Anyway," I continued, "Did you happen to notice a giant-stone-man walking around just now?"  

She frowned. "You mean Brent?" 

I frowned back at her. "You mean you can see him too?" 

She snorted. "Everyone can see him Cade." 

"What does he do here?" 

She shrugged. "I dunno. Dr Walton lets anybody live here if they can't be safe in the city." 

I thought about it for a moment and then shrugged. "Oh, and by the way, I was hanging out in your dorm a few minutes ago." 


I waved a hand. "I'll explain later."

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